The Wednesday Report, Canada's Aerospace and Defence
Weekly, was first published on June 10, 1987. The publication was
then owned by Maclean Hunter Limited, Business Publications
Division. The founding publisher was Micheal (Mike) O'Brien who
was at the time, publisher of Aerospace & Defence
Technology, Aerospace Canada, The Canadian Aerospace
Industries' Capability GuideandThe Canadian Young
Under the Maclean Hunter corporate umbrella, The Wednesday Report was published weekly and circulated to paid-up
subscribers in government, industry, the military and academia in
dozens of NATO and U.N. countries around the world. The initial
cost of a one year subscription was $500.00 Canadian dollars.
In 1989, Maclean Hunter decided to discontinue publishing in
the aerospace and defence fields. All of its publications in the
field were shut down with the exception of The Wednesday
In June of 1989, Publisher Micheal John O'Brien, incorporated as MPRM
Group Limited, bought the property from Maclean Hunter and
resumed publishing the weekly from offices at 15221 Yonge Street,
in Aurora, Ontario, Canada.
To be continued...
The Wednesday Report
The protection of Canada and Canadian interests, in both their
military and quasi-military dimensions, attracted renewed
attention during 1986. Particularly noteworthy--since it appeared
likely to portend themes in the forthcoming white paper--was a 17
October speech by Defence Minister Perrin Beatty. The minister
reminded his Toronto audience that 'membership in NATO does not
relieve Canada, or any other country, of the responsibility,
within the alliance framework, to enhance its [own] security and
defence' and warned that Canada's 'airspace, the ocean areas off
our east, west and Arctic coasts, and the waterways between our
Arctic islands are gaining increased strategic importance.'
Mr. Beatty observed that Canada 'could leave it to the
Americans to take care of Soviet activities in all or in most of
these areas,' but wondered if we could emerge 'with our
sovereignty unimpaired' if 'we were to ask the Americans to take
care of our security because we were either unwilling or unable
to do so.' Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic, warned the
minister, 'cannot be complete if we remain dependent on allies
for knowledge of possible hostile activities in our waters, under
our ice, and for preventing such activities.' In particular, 'we
need to consider how to remedy our present military incapacity to
operate and to maintain surveillance under the Arctic ice. The
three conventionally-powered submarines we have today cannot do
the job. The Soviets and the Americans have nuclear-powered
submarines which can cope with Arctic conditions, but we do not
and must consider how best to deal with this problem.'
The minister stressed two further points. First, that
'Canadians tend to believe the ideas of sovereignty and security
are not related 2 to each other. We see them as different
problems requiring different solutions. However, we are reaching
the point where, at least in our defence policy, the two ideas
must be brought together. Increasingly, we can expect to be
judged sovereign to the degree which, in the context of alliance
and collective defence, we can contribute to our own national
security.' And second, that: We need to give real substance to
the guiding principle, asserted but little honoured by previous
governments, that military activities undertaken in Canada for
purposes of collective defence will be carried out, as much as
possible, by the Canadian Forces. By accepting the
responsibilities of a sovereign state for national and collective
defence and by making sure that the Canadian Forces can
effectively meet those responsibilities both at home and
abroad...the government can best assure both the security and
sovereignty of Canada. The Arctic, and Canadian sovereignty and
security in the Arctic, also figured prominently in Independence
and Internationalism, the final report of the Special Joint
Committee on Canada's International Relations. A concern that
'under present circumstances' Canada 'would have to call on U.S.
submarines' if it 'wanted to take action against [northern]
intruders for any reason' prompted committee members 'to inquire
of witnesses what would happen if Canada were to acquire
submarines able to operate under the ice.' The witnesses, said
the final report, indicated 'that not only would this
[acquisition] strengthen Canada's assertion of sovereignty in the
region, but it would also put the U.S. Navy in a position where
it would have to share knowledge with Canada of the movement of
U.S. submarines in Canadian waters. The result could be enhanced
naval cooperation of the United States with Canada.'
The Special Joint Committee noted that the Senate Committee on
3 National Defence had in 1983 (Canadian Annual Review, 1983)
advocated the acquisition of a fleet of 'modern diesel-electric
submarines, pointing to their great effectiveness as weapons in
anti-submarine warfare. While the [Senate] report focused mainly
on ice-free waters, it expressed the opinion that "adequate
surveillance of the Northwest Passage could be provided, for the
time being, by conventionally powered submarines stationed at the
entry and the exit of the passage." The [Special Joint]
committee recommends that the possibility of equipping the
Canadian navy with diesel-electric submarines be reviewed in the
context of a general examination of the country's naval forces
and, more generally, of Canada's defence policy.'
The final report of the Special Joint Committee added that 'a
number of factors must be considered carefully before a decision
can be reached that Canada should acquire modern submarines. The
cost of standard nuclear-powered submarines is very high. The
committee was informed of developments in conventional [i.e.
hybrid] propulsion systems that could permit non-nuclear-powered
submarines to undertake extensive under-ice operations. Although
these systems are considerably cheaper, they have not yet been
proven. The cost of even conventional modern submarines would
have to be assessed carefully, because, apart from acquisition
costs, there are servicing, training, shore establishment and
other program costs, all of which are expensive. Finally, if a
decision to acquire modern submarines were to involve a transfer
of some resources from Canadian forces in Europe, the government
would have to take into account the reaction of Canada's NATO
allies.' 4 Canada's International Relations, the Mulroney
government's 4 December response to the report of the Special
Joint Committee, posited that 'the changing nature of military
activity in the Arctic and the reemergence of that region's
strategic importance make it vital for Canada to acquire the
"eyes and ears" that will permit us effectively to
monitor northern aerospace, land, surface and subsurface waters
for military activity.'
It added, without elaboration, that 'the government will pay
particular attention to problems of underwater defence in the
Arctic' and that 'options for acquiring submarines capable of
under-ice operations to replace Canada's aging Oberon-class
vessels are now...being explored.' Two days before the tabling of
these rather cryptic comments on 'submarines capable of under-ice
operations,' Associate Defence Paul Dick informed the Standing
Committee on National Defence that in addition to the project
management team working on the Canadian Submarine Acquisition
Project--which envisaged acquisition of a fleet of
conventionally-powered submarines--'there is an entirely
different committee working within the Department considering
nuclear submarines and that option. When both [groups] have
completed their research, then they will come together for a
comparison, and at that time a decision will be made on whether
we should go with the conventional or whether we should really
look more seriously at the nuclear.
It is premature [to speculate on the propulsion system]. They
are just trying to get the information available and pulled
together at this stage' (SCND, 2 December). In an 11 December
appearance before the Standing Committee, Defence Minister Beatty
acknowledged that "full" nuclear-powered submarines--as
distinct from diesel-electric/nuclear 5 "hybrids"--were
'indeed expensive. There is no question about that. I guess,
though, what we should be driven from is the question of our
perception of the threat. What do we need adequately to protect
Canada's security and Canada's sovereignty? We should work back
from that.' Less spectacular initiatives related, in whole or in
part, to the protection of Canadian sovereignty and security in
the Arctic included an increase in the number of northern
surveillance patrols conducted by CP-140 Aurora long-range patrol
aircraft (from 16 in 1985 to 20 in 1986) and the navy's first
venture into the far north in almost a decade, The epitome of
multiple tasking, the northern surveillance patrols were designed
to meet military, quasi-military, and even non-military (i.e.
wildlife surveillance and ice reconnaissance) objectives. The
enhanced naval presence involved the fleet diving support ship,
HMCS Cormorant, and a naval research vessel, CFAV Quest.
During a mid-year deployment of approximately 60 days, the
ships visited Clyde River, Nanisivik, Resolute Bay, and Pond
Inlet and carried out acoustic research relevant to Arctic
anti-submarine warfare. Both initiatives were foreshadowed by the
government's 10 September 1985 declaration on sovereignty and
security in the Arctic (Canadian Annual Review, 1985). The
increased naval and air presence envisaged by the declaration of
10 September 1985, the forthcoming Canadianization of the
northern radar network (see below, 'NORAD'), and the Mulroney
government's obvious interest in nuclear-powered submarines did
not, however, squelch complaints about the Arctic surveillance
capabilities of the 6 Canadian Forces.
Two retired brigadier-generals, Clay Beattie and Keith
Greenaway, for example, suggested that air defence and Canadian
sovereignty would be better served by sitting the new North
Warning System (NWS) farther north--around the periphery of the
Arctic archipelago. Placing the NWS along the path of the
existing DEW (Distant Early Warning) Line, they argued, would
misuse modern technology, provide less warning time, and deprive
Canada of indigenous surveillance coverage over disputed waters.
A concomitant concern was the proposed use of American AWACS
aircraft, with 'token' Canadian representation, in the Canadian
high Arctic. This situation, said Beattie and Greenaway, 'is
clearly prejudicial to Canada's claims to sovereignty' (Northern
Perspectives, September-October 1986). Major-General R.W. Morton,
however, argued that the NWS, as planned, would provide 'more
than adequate time to carry out the attack warning and assessment
function.' Moreover, 'while it can be argued that Canadian
sovereignty would be better served by extending the coverage
around the Arctic islands, the increased costs which would be
incurred in an already expensive project designed first and
foremost to do the attack warning mission could not be justified'
(Canadian Defence Quarterly, Winter 1986-1987).
The heightened sensitivity to Arctic
sovereignty and security was mirrored, albeit on a smaller scale,
by increased attention to the sovereignty and security challenges
off Canada's east and west coasts. At the root of the sovereignty
problem, particularly on the east coast, was a rapid increase in
the number of detected intrusions by unlicensed foreign fishing
vessels. The Department of National Defence, in addition to its
regularly scheduled support of the Department of Fisheries and
Oceans (i.e. 65 ship-days of surface surveillance and several
thousand 7 hours of dedicated and multi-purpose air
surveillance), provided special assistance to that department on
two occasions during 1986. On 2 March, for example, the
Tribal-class destroyer HMCS Algonquin assisted the fisheries
patrol vessel, Cape Roger, in arresting the Panamanian-registered
trawler, Peonia 7. In the most serious incident, in May, two
Spanish trawlers--which had been stopped and boarded by personnel
from the Cape Roger--fled for Spain via the Azores, with four
fisheries protection officers still aboard. After a lengthy
chase, the trawlers Amelia Meirama and Julio Molina were boarded
in mid-Atlantic by an RCMP tactical squad operating from Canada's
newest fisheries patrol vessel, the Leonard J. Cowley. Adding to
the drama was a report from a Spanish marine radio station--which
proved unfounded--that up to 50 Spanish trawlers 'planned to form
a blockade just outside Canada's 200-mile economic zone to
prevent the [Leonard J. Cowley] from escorting the two Spanish
trawlers, arresting...for fishing violations, back to Canada for
prosecution' (Globe and Mail, 27 May). Air surveillance during
the incident was provided by CP-121 Tracker aircraft from
Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Summerside, Prince Edward Island, and
CP-140 Aurora aircraft from CFB Greenwood, Nova Scotia.
Exasperated by the continuation of 'illegal foreign fishing
within Canadian waters and over fishing by foreign fleets of
"transboundary" stocks which straddle the 200-mile
limit,' the secretary of state for external affairs, Joe Clark,
and the minister of fisheries and oceans, Thomas Siddon, unveiled
new fisheries protection measures on 13 June.
Among other changes, the ministers announced that Atlantic
offshore patrol vessels would be armed--a project which
ultimately saw the Canadian Forces provide both weapons (i.e.
heavy machine guns) and 8 training for personnel from the
Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)--and that DFO would
'explore' with the Department of National Defence and the
Ministry of Transport 'means of increasing dedicated air and sea
surveillance.' Somewhat paradoxically, given the proposed
discussions with the Department of National Defence, the
government also announced that civilian aircraft under contract
to DFO would play an increased role in fisheries surveillance.
Also apparent during 1986 was an increased naval sensitivity to
maritime coastal defence (i.e. surface surveillance, shallow
water anti-submarine warfare, and mine countermeasures). The
renewed interest in maritime coastal defence--a role which had
languished since the early to mid-1960s--was reflected in
approval of a new role and mission statement for the Naval
Reserve and in plans to create a new Maritime Coastal Defence
Organization, which would be drawn largely from the Naval
Reserve. Plans to re-equip the Naval Reserve with a new
generation of minor war vessels, however, remained unfunded at
the close of 1986. Also awaiting a decision was an update or
replacement program for the venerable CP-121 Tracker, a
medium-range patrol aircraft utilized for a wide variety of
military, quasi-military, and non-military missions.

Equipment Programs
The defence procurement agenda was dominated, as in 1985, by
the Low Level Air Defence (LLAD) project, the Tribal-class Update
and Modernization Project (TRUMP), the New Shipborne Aircraft
(NSA) project, and the Canadian Submarine Acquisition Project
(CASAP). The LLAD and TRUMP projects, together worth in excess of
$2.2 billion, received final government approval and formal
contract award during 1986, while the CASAP and NSA projects,
together worth a minimum of $4 billion (and potentially much
more) received approval to enter the project definition phase. A
new and controversial player on the defence procurement stage
during 1986 was the CF-18 Systems Engineering Support (SES)
program. Also putting in an appearance, and temporarily running
in parallel to the original Canadian Submarine Acquisition
Project, was an examination of the advantages and disadvantages
of acquiring a fleet of nuclear-propelled attack submarines
Initiated in 1982, the $1 billion LLAD project sought to
provide a comprehensive, all-weather air defence system for the
Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (4 CMBG) stationed in southern
Germany, the Canadian Air-Sea Transportable (CAST) Brigade Group
stationed in Canada but earmarked for the defence of northern
Norway, and the Lahr and Baden-Soellingen airfields of the
Germany-based 1 Canadian Air Group. The missile, gun and radar
systems making up the LLAD package would replace the geriatric Boffin anti-aircraft gun and the aging, shoulder-launched
Blowpipe surface-to-air missile.
The LLAD project, which touched off a heated international
competition, had drawn bids in 1984 from seven would-be
suppliers, all of them European-based (Canadian Annual Review,
1985). Three of these firms, and their respective Canadian 2M
partners, were in turn short listed by the Mulroney government on
8 May 1985: Bofors (Sweden) and Canadian Marconi Company
(offering the Trinity gun system and the RBS 70 ARMAD missile
system); Contraves (Switzerland) and Raytheon Canada Limited
(bidding the GDF-005 anti-aircraft gun, the RIM-7M Sparrow
missile system, and the ATAK 35 anti-aircraft tank); and
Oerlikon-Buhrle (Switzerland) and Litton Systems Canada Limited
(offering the ADATS missile system and the GDF-005 anti-aircraft
gun). On 16 April 1986, the associate minister of national
defence, Harvie Andre, announced that the team led by
Oerlikon-Buhrle had won the LLAD competition. The main contract,
finalized on 12 June, was valued at $650 million and covered the
purchase of 36 M113A2-mounted ADATS 'fire units,' 20 GDF-005 35mm
anti-aircraft guns, and 10 Skyguard fire control radars. An
additional $350 million was allocated for ammunition, spare
parts, trucks, training and maintenance facilities, and sundry
other expenditures.
The associate minister and project officials indicated that
the most significant factors in the selection of the Oerlikon
Buhrle bid were the resistance to countermeasures and the degree
of survivability bestowed by ADATS' passive electro-optical
target tracking and laser beam-rider guidance. The Swiss firm's
bid also included a highly rated industrial benefits package for
Canadian industry. Initial deliveries of LLAD equipment, to the
newly-established Air Defence Artillery School at CFB Chatham,
New Brunswick, were scheduled to begin in 1988. The last of the
four frontline LLAD units (one in Canada, three in Germany) was
expected to be fully operational with the new equipment by the
spring of 1991. 3M The recipient of final approval on 9 May, the
Tribal-class Update and Modernization Project sought to convert
the four existing Tribal-class destroyers (Algonquin, Athabaskan,
Huron, and Iroquois) from a primary anti-submarine warfare (ASW)
role to a primary anti-air warfare (AAW) role. In addition to
providing the Canadian fleet with a much-needed area air defence
capability--and a reduced dependence on allied navies--TRUMP
would improve the Tribals' ability to support an embarked
commander and update or replace systems which were no longer
logistically supportable.
Serving as prime contractor on the $1.2 billion
undertaking--the most ambitious Canadian warship conversion
project in more than two decades--was Litton Systems Canada
Limited of Toronto. At the core of the update package were two
state-of-the-art, American-designed products--the General
Dynamics Standard 2 surface-to-air missile and the Martin
Marietta Mk 41 vertical launch system. The much-modified
destroyers also were to receive new long-range, medium-range, and
fire control radars; a Phalanx close-in weapon system, and an
OTO-Melara 76mm Super Rapid gun. In addition to a new command,
control, and communications system, the rejuvenated Tribal-class
destroyers were also stated to receive strengthened hulls, a
water-compensated fuel system, and habitability improvements.
So-called 'stand-alone' improvements, which were to be funded
separately but carried out concurrently, included new cruise
engines and a new electronic support measures system. The Tribal
conversions were to retain their 4 existing ASW sonars and their
distinctively large flight decks and hangars. Work on the first
ship, HMCS Algonquin, was expected to begin in November of 1987,
with completion in the fall of 1989. The last of the four, HMCS
Huron, was to begin conversion in November 1990, with completion
in the summer of 1992. These dates represented a slippage of one
year from the original TRUMP timetable (Canadian Annual Review,
1985). Also modified was the Trudeau government's 1983 decision
to pre-designate Versatile Davie Inc., of Lauzon, Quebec, for the
shiypard portion of the TRUMP program. Under the revised plan,
Versatile Davie would convert the first two ships, with Litton
Systems holding a separate competition to select the shipyard for
the third and fourth conversions. The decision of the Mulroney
government to proceed, simultaneously, with both the LLAD and
TRUMP projects--at a time when the capital portion of the DND
budget was under considerable pressure--evoked surprise in some
quarters. Indeed, it appeared for a time in early 1986 that the
LLAD project, in particular, might be deferred or even dropped.
There was also concern in some quarters that TRUMP might have to
be scaled back, possibly by converting less than four ships or by
adopting a less expensive update package (i.e. the older Standard
1 missile and Mk 13 launcher) for all four ships (Aerospace
Canada International, July-August 1986).
While there was ultimately some
slippage in the TRUMP timetable (in part the result of squabbling
over the shipyard portion of the contract) and, by comparison
with Litton's 1985 'baseline' configuration, a very slight
reduction in the scope of the TRUMP update (i.e. the decision to
update the ships' existing torpedo handling equipment rather than
install an entirely new system), the Mulroney government adopted
the 'baseline' configuration essentially unchanged. Although, at
$1.2 billion, considerably more expensive than the government's
preliminary 1983 'design-to-cost' estimate of $650 million (in
1983-1984 dollars), the navy's need for an area air defence
capability was judged sufficiently pressing to justify additional
expenditures. In the case of LLAD, the decision to forego
deferment or cancellation was rooted in the operational need for
a new air defence capability in Europe, fear of an adverse
reaction from NATO, and the prospect of substantial industrial
benefits from the ADATS system. As the newest of the LLAD
contenders, the ADATS system was felt to hold considerable export
potential. The search for a successor to the venerable Sikorsky
CH-124A Sea King ASW helicopter entered a new phase on 5 August
with the announcement of government approval for the project
definition phase of the New Shipborne Aircraft (NSA) project.
The NSA would be capable of performing two primary
missions--anti-submarine warfare and anti-ship surveillance and
targeting--and such secondary naval missions as search and
rescue, vertical replenishment, and medical evacuation. At an
estimated cost of $2 billion, the NSA promised, by a substantial
margin, to be the largest and most complex helicopter procurement
program in Canadian military history. Released on 12 September,
the NSA 'request for proposals' asked would-be suppliers to
provide bids on lots of 28, 40, and 51 aircraft, a request which
reflected uncertainty over warship procurement beyond the first
six City-class patrol frigates (Canadian Annual Review, 1985) and
over the requirements of the Pacific fleet, the number of
attrition replacements, and the reliability and 6 maintainability
of the various contenders. The NSA schedule anticipated contract
award by late 1989, first flight in 1992, and initial deliveries
in 1994. The competition was expected to draw variants of the
Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk (United States), the EH Industries EH 101
(United Kingdom/Italy), and the Aerospatiale Super Puma (France).
All were expected to utilize a Canadian-designed mission avionics
suite. Still more helicopters of the basic NSA-type would be
required if the machine also proved suitable for battlefield
airlift and 'primary' search and rescue requirements. Also moving
forward, but facing something of an uncertain future, was the
Canadian Submarine Acquisition Project (CASAP). Under this
project, which received government approval for its project
definition phase on 16 July, the Department of National Defence
sought 'a minimum of four new conventional submarines to replace
its current fleet and restore a minimum submarine capability on
the West Coast.'
Although the existing fleet of three British-built
Oberon-class submarines had been partially modernized under the
Submarine Operational Update Project, they suffered from the
performance limitations inherent to diesel-electric submarines of
their generation, were increasingly difficult to maintain,
and--given the need to recharge their batteries by surfacing or
'snorkeling'--unable to operate under ice. The 1986 CASAP
schedule envisaged the selection of two finalists for funded
project definition studies by early 1988, the selection of the
winner by late 1989, and the formal contract award by early 1990.
The first boat would enter Canadian service in 1995 (the 1985
schedule had anticipated service entry in 1992-1993), with the
remainder following in 1997, 1998, and 1999. As the United States
had long since eschewed the production of conventionally-powered
submarines, CASAP was expected to draw a lengthy list of bidders
from France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the
Netherlands. In addition to the basic requirement for four
submarines, would-be bidders on CASAP were being invited to quote
price and availability on increments of two, four, and eight
additional boats.
Moreover, as Defence Minister Beatty noted in an 11 December
appearance before the Standing Committee on National Defence, 'we
[have] invited potential suppliers to indicate to us whether or
not the submarines they are offering would have under-ice
capability.' The latter would necessitate adding some form of
air-independent propulsion (AIP) system to the standard
diesel-electric submarine, thereby producing an
AIP/diesel-electric 'hybrid.' Among the potential options were
the Swedish Stirling engine, the German fuel cell system, and two
Canadian-designed systems--the Autonomous Marine Power
Source-Nuclear (AMPS-N) from Ottawa-based Energy Conversion
Systems Inc. and the so-called 'nuclear battery' from Atomic
Energy of Canada Limited. The European systems required on-board
storage of such difficult-to-handle fuels as liquid oxygen or
liquid oxygen and hydrogen. Endurance, although a substantial
improvement over that offered by 'standard' diesel-electric
submarines, was consequently a function of the hybrid submarine's
storage capacity. The AMPS-N, a relative of Atomic Energy of
Canada's highly successful Slowpoke research reactor, and the
nuclear battery, however, were expected to offer virtually
unlimited endurance at low to moderate speeds. Naval opinion on
the viability of the hybrid option appeared mixed. A serving
naval officer, Commander E.J.M. Young, for example, wrote 8 that
'the cost of a production version [of an AMPS-N hybrid submarine]
is estimated to be less than an additional 10% on the acquisition
cost of a conventional submarine, or about 5 to 6% in terms of
program costs of the vessel.' Moreover, 'because the design of
the reactor system is relatively simple and safe, the required
shore support facilities would be much less extensive and simpler
than those required for the SSN type submarine. Costs of such
support should be of the same order as the additional ones for
the system itself.
Thus for a very reasonable additional expenditure Canada could
obtain a viable under ice capability in addition to a marked
tactical advance in other areas of interest. While such
submarines could conceivably conduct polar operations, at the
very least we would have the ability to operate in the seasonal
ice-covered waters of our Arctic. If Canada took this step the
potential for export sales would be very great; the
"hybrid" could revolutionize conventional submarine
concepts' (Canadian Defence Quarterly, Summer 1986). Later in the
year, however, CASAP officials indicated to the Financial Post
that 'none of the air-independent propulsion systems are
available right now, and it is not clear whether they could be
added on to existing submarine designs later. It would therefore
be risky to run the submarine project on the assumption that such
a system will become available, and DND is not interested in
undertaking a high-risk development project' (Financial Post, 1
December). On a parallel track to CASAP was the study group
established to examine the feasibility of acquiring up to twelve
fully nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSNs). Headed by the
chief of maritime doctrine and operations, Rear-Admiral C.M.
Thomas, the study group was investigating the cost,
infrastructure requirements, and legal ramifications of a 9M
Canadian SSN fleet (Jane's Defence Weekly, 13 December). Although
running in parallel with the initial project definition phase of
CASAP, it was apparent that any governmental decision to procure
SSNs would mean the elimination of CASAP, at least in its
diesel-electric or AIP/diesel-electric hybrid form. The first
serious Canadian consideration of nuclear-powered attack
submarines in almost three decades, the study was focusing on two
designs: the French Rubis/Amethyste-class and the British
Trafalgar-class. Both types were in full-scale production for
their respective navies. American SSNs were deemed far too large
and expensive to warrant serious Canadian consideration.
The decision to study the SSN option--which could apparently
be traced to late 1985 and then-Defence Minister Erik
Nielsen--was in part rooted in the government's concerns over
sovereignty and security in the Arctic, but it also appeared to
reflect the realization that nuclear-powered submarines could be
relevant to national and Alliance commitments in the Atlantic and
the Pacific and the discovery that the 'sail-away' cost of the
British and, in particular, the French built SSNs compared
favourably with the cost of modern patrol frigates and
destroyers. An additional factor was concern over the unproven
nature of the proffered AIP systems and the calculation that even
the most advanced hybrid submarine could not match the speed or
other operational attributes of the SSN. A powerful reminder of
the intense emotions that can be fuelled by the awarding--or the
failure to award--defence contracts surfaced in October with the
Mulroney government's decision to award the potentially lucrative
Systems Engineering Support (SES) contract for the McDonnell 10M
Douglas CF-18 Hornet fighter aircraft to Montreal-based Canadair.
Canadair prevailed over Bristol Aerospace of Winnipeg, even
though the Bristol bid had been judged--by government experts--to
be somewhat superior on cost and technical grounds. The Mulroney
government declined this advice, however, on the basis that
Canadair, unlike Bristol, was also an aircraft manufacturer, and
thus in a position to better utilize the technology transfers
which would accompany the CF-18 SES (i.e. maintenance) program.
Late in the year there were indications that Bristol, which had
long provided repair and overhaul services for Canadian fighter
aircraft, would receive a less technically attractive, and
shorter duration, contract to update 56 aging CF-5 fighter
aircraft as fighter-trainers. The affair outraged Manitoba
premier Howard Pawley, who described the pending CF-5 contract as
'a consolation prize' that would not satisfy Manitoba residents
who believed that Bristol deserved the CF-18 SES contract (Globe
and Mail, 23 December). Adding insult to injury for Manitobans
was the fact that the CF-5s had been manufactured by Canadair.
The federal government's practice of pursuing industrial benefits
(i.e. the production of components, regional distribution of
procurement, small business participation, technology transfer,
and new investment in Canada) was the subject of a lengthy
examination by the Nielsen Task Force on Program Review.
The study team charged with an examination of defence and
other high-technology procurement by the federal government found
that: --the government's expectations of securing 100 per cent
offsets of equal technology to the equipment being procured have
been unrealistic. Benefits acquired have been much lower than
expected and have mostly been of short-term value to Canada.
Costs of achieving industrial benefits have not been easily
ascertained and have been substantial; 11 --while some benefits
of lasting value to Canada have resulted, these have not been as
significant to Canadian industrial development as had been
anticipated; --the growing deficit in U.S.-Canadian defence trade
is a major concern and will persist with the increase in the
number of planned [Major Crown Projects]. A relative decline in
the technology base of Canadian industry is a key factor in the
increasing deficit; --the emphasis on offsets in Canada's
industrial benefits programming has become a trade irritant with
the United States and Europe while producing marginal long-term
benefits to Canada; and that --there are linkages among these
factors which point the way to changes which will produce greater
net benefits to Canada, while reducing irritants and costs.
The study team came to the conclusion that a need 'exists for
a much clearer purpose in the direction given by Ministers for
industrial benefit strategies for major Crown projects'; that
'the procurement lever has not effected the anticipated broad
range of industrial benefits'; and that 'a new strategy is needed
if Canada is to be successful in using procurement as a lever to
generate long-term benefits.' That strategy 'must be sharply
focused on improving the competitiveness of Canadian-based
industry in world markets. It must result in the advancement of
technology, greater investment in Canadian industry, and improved
access to domestic and foreign markets. A major element of the
strategy should be to preposition Canadian industry for
procurement to the maximum when domestic and associated export
opportunities are attractive.' The study team recommended to the
Task Force that the government consider developing an industrial
benefits policy for federal procurement that would 'enhance the
international competitiveness of Canadian industry, by
establishing long-term industrial and regional development as the
primary national objective for major procurements' and 'take into
account the potential for Canadian industry to participate in the
servicing of major equipment purchases during their operational
life.' end equipment section

Unlike 1985, which had seen major controversies erupt over the
North American Air Defence Modernization (NAADM) agreement, the
American invitation to participate in the SDI (Strategic Defence
Initiative) research program, and the voyage of the U.S. Coast
Guard icebreaker Polar Sea through the Northwest Passage, 1986
was a relatively quiescent--and therefore more typical--year on
the Canadian defence policy front. The year was not devoid of
controversy, however.
Also serving to draw attention to defence or defence-related
matters during 1986 were the findings of the Nielsen Task Force
on Program Review, a number of reports and studies generated by
the 1982 sinking, off Newfoundland, of the semi-submersible
drilling rig OCEAN RANGER, and the Mulroney government's decision
to assign responsibility for Canada's anti-terrorist Special
Emergency Response Team (SERT) to the Royal Canadian Mounted
Police (RCMP) rather than the Canadian Armed Forces.
The year also witnessed the deployment of the Canadian
contingent assigned to the MFO (Multinational Force and
Observers) peacekeeping operation in the Sinai. Established in
September 1984 under the chairmanship of Deputy Prime Minister
Erik Nielsen, the Task Force on Program Review had two major
objectives: better service to the public and improved management
of government programs. Charged with the onerous task of
reviewing 989 federal programs and services, the Nielsen Task
Force consisted of 19 study teams comprised of public service and
private sector executives.
On March 11, 1986, the Task Force--which had in fact completed
most of its work during the course of 1985--released its 2
21-volume final report grouped under four major themes:
management of government; services to the public; improved
program delivery; and economic growth. Mr. Nielsen emphasized
that the options and proposals outlined in the reports would be
studied by the federal government and Parliamentarians, and would
not necessarily become government policy (Hansard, 11 March).
Several of the volumes touched on defence or defence-related
matters. The study team charged with an examination of real
property, for example, concluded that the Department of National
Defence (DND) 'has too much infrastructure, and this oversupply
is causing wasteful expenditure and manpower utilization.' The
study team noted that 'if military requirements were the only
criterion, DND internal documents indicate that the number of
[military] bases in Canada could be reduced by at least seven
from the 33 which currently exist.' The report attributed the
oversupply to changing military requirements, 'slow adjustment by
DND to changing urban/community conditions,' 'lack of a powerful
challenge function outside DND in central agencies,' and, in
particular, to 'powerful local socio-economic pressures, which
hitherto have led government to direct that installation which
DND wishes to close should remain in operation.'
The study team added that 'mobilization contingencies' were
also used 'to justify the retention by DND of redundant
infrastructure.' In the view of the study team, 'prolonging
indefinitely the life of defence installations with no essential
military function is not the way to encourage the social and
economic evolution of host communities; the costs to all outweigh
the benefits.' Its report also asserted that 'an alternative
approach to accommodation for mobilization which would entail a
combination of prefabricated building, canvas and designated 3
civilian buildings would appear to offer a much more cost
effective yet practical solution than maintaining redundant
facilities.' The study team therefore recommended to the task
force that 'the government should consider asking DND to develop
medium (one to five years) and long range (five to ten years)
infrastructure proposals. The rationalization plan should include
provision for cooperative planning with provinces and local
communities for the socio-economic adjustments which would have
to be made.'

Insofar as search and rescue (SAR) was concerned, the Nielsen
study team concluded that 'the assignment of responsibilities for
SAR to [the Canadian Coast Guard] in the marine mode and to [the
Department of National Defence] in the air mode and in
coordination of search activities causes some problems. It is not
clear, however, that any other assignment of responsibilities
would be superior or decrease the number or severity of problems.
Segregation of the SAR budgets in the two main departments
would lead to a better understanding of the costs involved but
operationally the [search and rescue] program works.' The study
team did not, however, that: Rescue Coordination Centres can make
better use of non Coast Guard resources (e.g. municipal or
provincial police forces). In addition, it might prove effective
to utilize private helicopters and vessels in marine search if
not in rescue. This may necessitate the federal government
providing SAR kits for helicopters and ships, and entering into
contracts on a contingency basis. Moreover, in reequipping [the
Coast Guard's] helicopter fleet, the Department [of Transport]
should consider the merits of taking into consideration SAR as a
secondary mission for establishing the operational requirements
of the aircraft. Search and rescue--the largest, most expensive
and most important of the myriad 'national development' roles
performed by Canada's armed forces--also figured in a report on
military air transport prepared by the Special Committee of the
Senate on National Defence. Tabled in February, the Senate report
recommended that the long-serving de Havilland CC-115 Buffalo
search and rescue aircraft employed by the Halifax, Trenton and
Victoria SAR regions by phased out by 1992 and their tasks
assigned to an augmented fleet of Lockheed CC-130 Hercules
The Senate committee also recommended that the de Havilland
CC-138 Twin Otters utilized by the Edmonton SAR region be
replaced by six de Havilland Dash 8s by 1992, and that the
Boeing-Vertol CH-113/CH-113A Labradors (Canadian Annual Review,
1985) be succeeded by 20 new helicopters by the mid-1990s. The
committee did not endorse a specific type of helicopter, but it
did take note of the advantages inherent in commonality with
other military procurement programs (for example, the eventual
successor to the Sikorsky CH-124A Sea King anti-submarine warfare
helicopter). next--ocean ranger and responses 5 On 10 March,
Perrin Beatty, then the solicitor general, announced that
responsibility for Canada's long-mooted Special Emergency
Response Team (SERT) would be vested in the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police. An integral part of Canada's counter-terrorism
program, the team would be employed 'in those rare cases where
all efforts to negotiate a peaceful end to a hostage seizure have
failed and where the hostages are in immediate danger, [and] the
authorities have no choice but rescue by armed assault.' The
49-person team, unlike existing RCMP response units, would be
held 'in a constant state of readiness and training.'
The Special Emergency Response Team would be based in the
Ottawa area and make use, as required, of military air transport.
Although the rise in international terrorism ensured a generally
positive response to the creation of such a unit, Ottawa's
decision to make it part of the RCMP, rather than the armed
forces, drew criticism from John Starnes, a former head of the
RCMP's security and intelligence section, Professor Leslie Green,
a University of Alberta specialist on terrorism, Jean-Jacques
Blais, a former solicitor general and minister of national
defence, and Robert Kaplan, also a former solicitor general. In
Mr. Starnes' view, 'the raison d'etre of a soldier, his
experience and training seem naturally to fit the anti-terrorist
role. The idea of assigning to a law enforcement officer a task
which is essentially military in nature leaves me a bit uneasy'
(Toronto Star, 11 March).
In response to such criticism, the deputy solicitor general,
Fred E. Gibson, told an April 1986 conference of the
Toronto-based Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies (CISS) that
he should make clear the government's position that terrorist
acts, however political in their ultimate objective, inevitably
involve criminal offences which in our system of government fall
within the purview of the civil law enforcement authority. On
this basis, we view this [counter terrorism] role as a logical
and legitimate expression of the RCMP's law enforcement
responsibility, consistent with the force's national obligations
for the investigation of security offences as set out in the
[Canadian Security Intelligence Service] Act. Furthermore, this
arrangement ensures that those required to carry out
counter-terrorist assaults will be subject in all respects to the
authorities, and to the ACCOUNTABILITY, imposed on peace
officers, by virtue of the Criminal Code of Canada.

The major development on the peacekeeping front involved the
dispatch of the Canadian contingent--136 military personnel and
nine CH-135 Twin Huey helicopters--assigned to the MFO
(Multinational Force and Observers) peacekeeping operation in the
Middle East. Deployed to El Gorah in the northern Sinai Peninsula
during March, the Canadians assumed responsibility for the MFO's
Rotary Wing Aviation Unit (RWAU). Previously provided by
Australia and New Zealand, the RWAU was responsible for the
transportation of MFO observers on their verification tasks, the
insertion and extraction of temporary observation posts,
logistical support, medical evacuation, and MFO-related search
and rescue.
The decision to join the MFO followed requests from the
governments of Egypt and Israel (Canadian Annual Review, 1985).
Canada's first venture into non-UN peacekeeping in the region,
the MFO commitment required approximately 25 per cent of the
country's tactical transport helicopter assets. Although few of
the submissions to the Special Joint Committee on Canada's
International Relations dealt specifically with peacekeeping, the
committee found most witnesses of the opinion that peacekeeping
was 'an appropriate and constructive way for Canada to contribute
to maintaining peace in the world.'
The committee advanced four peacekeeping-related conclusions
and recommendations: that a continuing Canadian contribution to
the United Nations Force in Cyrpus (UNFICYP) helps to prevent
fighting on the island and maintain stability on NATO's southern
flank; that Ottawa 'consider making significantly greater use of
the reserve forces for peacekeeping'; that Canada 'continue to
make its peacekeeping expertise available to the armed forces of
other countries'; and that the 'best approach to invitations to
become involved in peacekeeping operations is for Canada to apply
its criteria on a case-by-case basis, while maintaining its
preference for operations under United Nations auspices.' The
government's December 1986 response indicated that it would
'remain alert to possibilities to act constructively in [the
peacekeeping] role, wherever they may arise in the world and
whenever resources allow if Canadian interests would thus be
served, and a Canadian presence would be acceptable.'
The response also expressed support for the recommendations of
the Special Joint Committee. of one [issue] should be conditional
upon the resolution of the other." In his September 27
address to the General Assembly, the Secretary of State for
External Affairs added that "South Africa's precondition to
implementation, the withdrawal of Cuban forces from Angola,
cannot legitimize its illegal occupation of Namibia. The question
of principle is clear. Namibia should have its independence
regardless of what happens or does not happen in Angola." In
June, both the Secretary of State for External Affairs and
Canada's ambassador to the United Nations expressed frustration
over the seemingly irreconcilable situation in Cyprus. Mr.
MacEachen reportedly warned the UN Secretary-General, Javier
Perez de Cuellar, that Canada might withdraw its troops from the
United Nations peacekeeping force in Cyprus (International
Canada, June-July 1983). Mr. Pelletier told the Security Council
on 15 June that "the two communities of Cyprus and others
involved in the dispute have displayed a regrettable lack of will
to make the necessary difficult compromises required for a
successful political solution" (International Canada,
June-July 1983). In general, however, Canadian support for
peacekeeping remained firm.
The December Speech from the Throne indicated that
"renewed attention" would be given "to the
contribution Canada can make to peace and stability through
peacekeeping operations under the control of the United
Nations." On December 28, the United States officially
informed the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) that it would be withdrawing from the
agency effective January 1985. The United States would, however,
retain the right to rejoin at a future date should UNESCO correct
a number of highly objectionable ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT
Canadian arms control policy was studied, explored and promoted
in an unusually diverse range of for a in 1983.
The new-found prominence was not surprising for, as the
Secretary of State for External Affairs noted in his September 27
address to the General Assembly, "questions of disarmament
and arms limitation have become the central preoccupation of our
time." In his address Mr. MacEachen expressed "regret
that a working group on arms control and outer space was not
established this year by the Committee on Disarmament." He
reiterated Prime Minister Trudeau's warning to the UN Second
Special Session on Disarmament that "we cannot wait much
longer if we are to be successful in foreclosing the prospect of
space wars."
The Secretary of State stressed the urgency of the issue and
pressed for the timely creation of a working group. Canada was
"prepared to cooperate fully in the detailed examination of
the issues" and continue "its research program on both
the legal and technical issues." Mr. MacEachen also stressed
the "absolute necessity of verification if we are going to
make real progress in international disarmament and arms control
negotiations." He noted that Canada had "attached
special importance to the development of international
verification mechanisms" and [had] "assigned a high
priority to research in this area." Canada hoped to
"make a real contribution to the Committee's
effectiveness" through increased research into the technical
and practical aspects of verification.
The Wednesday Report --History
1987 Year In Review
It was a remarkable year. On the domestic front, 1987 brought
a relatively new white paper on defence (the first in nearly a
generation), a lively debate on the perceived advantages and
disadvantages of nuclear-powered attack submarines, a
long-awaited order for six follow-on frigates (all from the same
shipyard!), a significant upgrading of Canada's Pacific fleet
(the first in nearly two decades), a significant upgrading of the
northern radar network (the first in nearly three decades), and a
host of smaller procurement and re-organization initiatives The
year also brought renewed attention to the long-dormant subject
of defence industrial preparedness.
For Canada's defence industry, 1987 was dominated by on-going
activity on a host of pre-white paper procurement programs
(covering everything from small arms to patrol frigates), by
initial examination of the short and long-term opportunities
(challenges?) offered by the white paper, and by a series of
pivotal export contracts. Numbered among the latter were the
French and West German orders for $410-million-worth of CL-289
unmanned airborne surveillance systems from Canadair, a British
order for 242 Advanced Integrated MAD (Magnetic Anomaly
Detection) systems from CAE Electronics, and last, but certainly
not least, the Canadian share of the U.S. Army's potentially
massive order for the Oerlikon-Buhrle/Martin Marietta ADATS air
defence system. Among the Canadian beneficiaries of ADATS'
victory in the hard-fought FAAD LOS-F-H competition were Oerlikon
Aerospace, Litton Systems Canada Limited, and Spar Aerospace.
On the international front, the gradual warming trend in
East-West relations was reflected in the December summit between
U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail
Gorbachev. A media event enveloped in an air of near-euphoria,
the Washington summit's almost immediate claim to fame was the
signing of the INF (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces) agreement,
but it also appeared to pave the way for a possible START
(Strategic Arms Reduction Talks) treaty in the first half of
1988. the START talks hold the key to a potential 50 percent
reduction in strategic missile inventories.
Itself a significant and encouraging -- but no means risk-free
-- development in arms control diplomacy, the INF treaty would
eliminate an entire category of nuclear weapons, including the
American Pershing 2 ballistic missile and the BGM-109G
ground-launched cruise missile (GLCM), and the Soviet SS-20
ballistic missile. Virtually certain of ratification by the U.S.
Senate, the INF treaty will require rigorous -- indeed,
unparalleled -- verification procedures. It would also seem to
necessitate, as former NATO commander-in-chief Bernard W. Rogers
has warned, increased attention to NATO's conventional deterrent.
Rendered even more timely by the INF treaty, the June 5 white
paper re-affirmed the Mulroney government's staunch support of
collective defence, and unveiled a 15-year game plan for bridging
the gap between Canada's declared defence commitments and actual
military capabilities. Integral to its vision of a more credible
Canadian defence posture were the re-alignment and consolidation
of existing NATO commitments, a renewed interest in home defence,
a 'vigorous' naval modernization program and a sweeping
re-organization of the Canadian army. The new policy document
also outlined a long-term plan to increase the strength of the
Primary Reserve from 21,000 to 65,000. The revitalization of the
reserves would include the introduction of a genuine Total Force
concept and a reduced distinction between the Regular and Reserve
Dominating much of the white paper -- and most of the
discussion and debate it stirred up -- were the government's
proposals for the reshaping of the Canadian navy. In place of the
existing fleet, which could charitably be described as geriatric,
unbalanced and virtually irrelevant to sovereignty and security
in the far north, the white paper envisaged a balanced,
multi-role fleet capable of operating on all three coasts. In
addition to the six City-class patrol frigates and four
Tribal-class destroyers already under construction or conversion,
the white paper announced plans for 10 to 12 nuclear-powered
attack submarines (SSN's), six follow-on patrol frigates, several
sonar array towing vessels (similar in concept to the U.S. Navy's
SURTASS operation), and 30 or more minor war vessels. Intended
primarily for a revitalized and retasked Naval Reserve, the war
vessels would be utilized for mine counter-measures, coastal
patrol, training, and other sundry tasks. The white paper also
proposed a fixed, under-ice surveillance system for the Arctic.
Cancelled to make way for this ambitious shopping list were the
eight (rather ill-defined) frigates originally projected under
phase three of the Ship Replacement Program (SRP III) and the
four to twelve, conventionally-powered submarines (SSK's) that
made up the original Canadian Submarine Acquisition Project
Far les spectacular in the eyes of the media and the public,
but in many ways more complex, were the plans for the
restructuring and expansion of Canada's land forces. Pivotal to
these plans was the government's decision to shift the focus of
the Canadian Air-Sea Transportable (CAST) Brigade Group from
northern Norway to southern Germany. Although the CAST Brigade
Group (i.e. 5e Groupe-brigade du Canada) would continue to be
based in Canada, it would deploy, in time of crisis, to the
Central Front. The result would be a two-brigade Division built
around 4 Canadian Mechanized Group (4CMBG) -- the formation
stationed year-round in Germany -- and 5e Groupe-brigade du
Canada (5 GBC). Concomitant steps outlined by the white paper
included the pre-positioning in Germany "of a large
part" of the CAST Brigade Group's equipment, and the
permanent deployment in Germany of selected Divisional elements
(i.e. part of the headquarters) and larger logistics and medical
support cadres. In addition, the relatively 'light' 5 GBC would
be re-equipped with main battle tanks and other equipment as was
necessary for the Central Front. Another Canada-based brigade
group, the even more lightly equipped 1 CBG, would be upgraded
with main battle tanks and other equipment (i.e. LLAD) in order
to provide trained augmentation and reinforcement personnel for
the division in Germany. The combined needs of the three brigade
groups -- and the Combat Training Centre -- were expected to
generate a requirement for 200-300 new main battle tanks.
Also unveiled in the white paper was Ottawa's decision to
create a new task force for territorial defence/CANUS
(Canada-United States) missions. The task force was to include an
airborne battle group of approximately regimental size and a
light, air-transportable brigade group. These formations would be
created by re-organizing and re-equipping the existing Special
Service Force (SSF). The white paper also reported that the
revitalized and much expanded Militia would "contribute to
defence operations in Canada and elsewhere in North America, and
will train replacements for land forces deployed overseas. The
Militia will also establish a relatively large force of lightly
armed guards to protect military vital points, and make a major
contribution to the logistic and medical organizations required
to support our consolidated European commitments."
By comparison with the navy (which now
faces the daunting task of assimilating everything from austere
MCM vessels to state-of-the-art SSN's) and the army (which now
faces massive re-organization and militia expansion programs),
the air force's future course of development was not radically
altered by the 1987 white paper. This state of affairs reflected
both the priority attached to salvaging the navy and reorganizing
the army, and the fact that a significant number of air force
procurement programs are already well underway (i.e. North
American Air Defence Modernization) or nearing completion (i.e.
initial procurement of the CF-18). Still, the white paper was by
no means devoid of air force or air force-related programs.
In the area of procurement, the white paper unveiled plans to:
acquire "at least" six additional long-range patrol
aircraft (which should take some of the burden off the 18
existing CP-140 Auroras); modernize and re-engine the venerable
CP-121 Tracker medium-range patrol aircraft; acquire additional
strategic air-lift capacity (which should generate a hefty order
for additional CC-130's); acquire CF-18 attrition replacements
(probably in the form of 13 ex-American F/A-18's); acquire
advanced munitions for the CF-18; and proceed with the coastal
extensions of the North Warning System. The white paper also
confirmed the requirement for New Shipborne Aircraft (NSA) to
replace the aging (and, of late, somewhat cantankerous) CH-124A
Sea King. The document made no reference to new tankers, but a
pre-white paper requirement for four KC-130's -- primarily to
support home-based CF-18's apparently still stands.
The white paper also announced that the commitment of the two
Canada-based CF-18 Rapid Reinforcement squadrons (the
yet-to-be-formed No. 416 at Cold Lake, Alberta, and No. 433 at
Bagotville, Quebec) would be shifted from Northern Norway -- the
originally intended deployment area -- to southern Germany. With
the commitment of the two CF-18 Rapid Reinforcement squadrons to
the Central Front, the three-squadron (Nos. 409, 421, and 439)
Air Group currently stationed in Germany would be elevated to Air
Division status.
Apart from the fact that it would be expanded and more closely
linked with the regular force, the white paper had relatively
little to say about the Air Reserve. A useful glimpse of its
future evolution has, however, been provided by the commander of
Air Command, Lt-Gen. L.A. Ashley, in a recent interview with
TWR's sister publication, Aerospace and Defence Technology.
Ashley reported that "the air reserves will be postured to
complement those areas where we have critical operations, such as
air lift." The "kind of thing that will emerge is
illustrated in Edmonton, where 418 Air Reserve Squadron will be
twinned with the regular force 435 Squadron" and "share
a common pool of C-130 aircraft." Another approach would be
taken in Winnipeg, where No. 402 Air Reserve Squadron would be
"equipped with the Dash 8 and be twinned with the Air
Navigation School to provide the airlift for air nav
The Wednesday Report
Assessing The 1987 White Paper
Reaction to Canada's first defence white paper since 1971 was
predictably varied. Indeed, the casual observer may have
concluded that there are as many opinions on the white paper as
there are editorial writers, politicians, peace researchers,
academics, defence industrialists, and members of the armed
forces. A perusal of the most recent assessments of the white
paper -- as found in media commentaries, scholarly journals,
defence and business publications, and testimony before the
Commons and Senate defence committees -- quickly establishes a
number of recurring themes. There is, for example, relief that a
new white paper has finally appeared, and well-deserved praise of
defence minister Perrin Beatty for his determination to provide a
successor to the moribund Defence in the Seventies -- a document
which in some major respects was obsolete within three years of
its appearance. For the most part, the Mulroney government has
garnered high marks for so explicitly acknowledging the
commitment-capability gap, for proceeding with commitment
rationalization (when it would have been very easy, politically
and diplomatically, to acquiesce with the status quo) and for
offering a long-term approach to the modernization and
restructuring of Canada's armed forces. Although a 15-year plan
is necessarily hostage to the vagaries of future elections and
changes in the international environment, it offers at least a
modicum of continuity and a useful benchmark or baseline for
Canadian defence planners.
Also generally well-received has been the white paper's
explicit recognition that Canadian security does not start and
end on the Central Front or in the mid-Atlantic -- that
legitimate security concerns also exist in our territorial
waters, in the Arctic, on the North American continent, and in
the north east Pacific. The result -- for the first time in many
years -- should be a better balance between our NATO commitments
in Europe and our NATO, NORAD 'defence of Canada' concerns on
this side of the North Atlantic.
In terms of the specific strategies or policies outlined by
the white paper, the decision to shift the CAST commitment to the
Central Front has naturally drawn disappointment from those who
argued -- in some cases quite eloquently -- for a 'northern'
approach to Canadian defence policy. In the face of Norway's
(understandable) reluctance to sanction the permanent deployment
on its soil of foreign troops, most observers have expressed
support for the Canadian government's choice of land force
consolidation options. Although one could in theory have
earmarked a significant Canada-based contingent for north flank
reinforcement (i.e. a two-brigade division, replete with
additional airlift support and maximum pre-positioning), its
'out-of-sight, out-of-mind' existence, and doubts over whether
Canada would really deploy it in time of crisis, could have
fostered the impression in Europe that Canada had opted for
'fortress North America' -- with all that might imply in terms of
Canadian linkages with the United States or weakened cohesion
within the North Atlantic Alliance.
Also drawing support from most observers were the decisions to
create a balanced Canadian navy (although support for more
submarines did not necessarily mean support for SSN's), to expand
the reserves and implement a true Total Force strategy, and to
place renewed emphasis on Defence Industrial Preparedness and
defence-related research and development. The decision to create
a balanced fleet (i.e. one that has more to offer than ASW
frigates) reflects the belated recognition that a single-role,
single-type-of-ship navy cannot possibly be responsive to all of
Canada's maritime sovereignty and security concerns.
On the down side, one fairly common complaint was that the
white paper spent too little time articulating an identifiably
Canadian perspective on some of the major issues of Western
security. Consider, for example, the assessment of John Halsted
-- a former Canadian ambassador to NATO -- in the July-August
issue of Aerospace Canada International (the predecessor to
Aerospace and Defence Technology): "It is true that [the
white paper] deals briefly with the international environment in
terms of East-West rivalry, and with the military threat to
Canadian security in North America and Europe. But it does not
really come to grips with such important questions as the
compatibility between NATO strategy and arms control objectives,
the impact on NATO doctrine of the U.S. shift from reliance on
MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) to a countervailing nuclear
strategy, and the implications of SDI (Strategic Defence
Initiative) for Canada's defence posture and priorities."
Another frequently-heard observation is that the white paper's
rhetoric is, in some cases, too harsh and too 'Cold War'-like,
that its 'military threat' section too closely resembles a
Canadian version of the Pentagon's Soviet Military Power. Some
may reject such assessments as the misguided musings of the peace
movement, but it should be noted that similar concerns have been
voiced by more moderate, highly-respected Canadian defence
commentators. In a collection of white paper reviews published by
the non-partisan Canadian Institute of International Affairs
(CIIA), for example, Professor R.B. Byers suggests that
"while the 1971 defence white paper presented too benign an
assessment of East-West relations, it may well be that that the
1987 white paper has erred in the opposite direction. This could
have the effect of unnecessarily calling into question subsequent
sections [of the 1987 white paper] which address changes in
defence commitments and future requirements."
A thought-provoking critique of the white paper has also been
provided by Brigadier-General (Ret'd) George C. Bell -- the
president of the Canadian Institute for Strategic Studies (CISS)
-- in a recent appearance before the Special Committee of the
Senate on National Defence. Although Dr. Bell commended the Prime
Minister and the Minister of National Defence for providing
Canadians with "a reasonably comprehensive framework of
defence policy," he expressed concern over a "number of
specific deficiencies in the areas of naval forces, air forces
and military space policy." The white paper's "most
serious omissions," however, were to be found "in the
areas of Regular Force manpower, military modernization for
periods beyond 30 days and the scope of emergency
legislation." Bell noted that: "Nowhere in the white
paper is the size of the Regular Force mentioned. Although
informal soundings indicate that the Regular Force might grow
from its present ceiling of approximately 84,700 to 90,000 within
the 15-year planning period, informed commentators must be
concerned about the apparent insufficiency of the Regular Force.
Even if it reaches 90,000, it is likely to be unable to provide
the training and support infrastructure and integrated personnel
in Reserve units which are essential to achieve major growth in
the Reserves from current levels of 90,000 (65,000 Primary
Reserve and 25,000 Supplementary Reserve)." Bell suggested
that "if the increase in the Regular Force is not increased
well beyond the 90,000 indicated, the net benefit in increased
overall force capabilities is likely to be far less than a
surface look at the white paper would suggest."
Another recurring theme, inevitably,
has been the white paper's adoption of a two percent-plus funding
formula (i.e. "a base rate of annual real growth in the
defence budget of two percent per year after inflation,"
plus occasional extra infusions as major capital programs are
introduced). Although this approach could be made to work --
assuming that the two percent figure is a floor and not a
ceiling, and that the extra infusions beyond the two percent will
amount to more than $1.98 -- it was not as generous as the
Department of National Defence had hoped. In the current fiscal
environment, however, it is difficult to see how the Department
could have done any better.
The major controversy unleashed by the white paper has, of
course, centred on the proposed acquisition of nuclear-powered
attack submarines. This is potentially the most significant
procurement decision in the history of Canadian defence policy --
and one which should be rightly subjected to the most rigorous
and penetrating analysis. One barrier to meaningful discussion of
the SSN option, however, is the mistaken impression in some
editorial, foreign policy analysis, and U.S. Navy circles that
the raison d'etre of a Canadian SSN fleet would the checking of
passports at the entrance of the Northwest Passage.
While SSN's would indeed bring an important new dimension to
Arctic sovereignty, they cannot and should not be assessed on
that basis alone. Rather, the SSN proposal must be evaluated in
the context of what it would bring to the entire spectrum of
Canadian (and Alliance) maritime missions. This means looking at
both sovereignty and security, and the Pacific Ocean, the
Atlantic Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean. It also means looking at
the other equipment options for a late 20th-early 21st century
navy. One must also give the utmost consideration to the possible
arms control and other implications of an SSN acquisition
program. Although some of the arms control and other criticisms
(such as fear of linkage, however indirect, with the U.S. Navy's
controversial Maritime Strategy) which have been directed at the
proposed SSN program may appear exaggerated to some SSN
proponents, they must be clearly and satisfactorily addressed if
the program is to garner the support of Canadians.
That still leaves, of course, the question of cost -- or, more
accurately, cost-effectiveness. Given the military attributes of
SSN's (i.e. speed, endurance and the unparalleled ability to
shift Canadian naval resources around the three coasts without
using the Panama Canal) and the costs of possible alternatives,
an SSN fleet for $8 billion or so would be very cost-effective.
It would still be cost effective at a cost in excess of $8
billion. If, however, an SSN program threatens to approach the
truly frightening worst case scenarios postulated by some
observers, it would be difficult to support. It is conceivable
that the currently projected overall defence budget might still
be able to cope, but the risk would be a seriously distorted
defence establishment (i.e. one with too little money for the
other branches of the navy, not to mention the army and the air
force). In 1988, consequently, one can expect SSN cost-estimating
to be a continuing national pastime.
Also at issue, although something of a 'sleeper' at this
point, is the continuing tasking of both of the CF-18 Rapid
Reinforcement squadrons in the flyover role (albeit to Germany
rather than to Norway). More than a few observers had hoped that
the government would use at least one of the CF-18 Rapid
Reinforcement squadrons to bolster the modest, two-squadron force
dedicated to home defence (plus, in crisis, the CF-18 operational
training squadron). The rationale for an increase in the
dedicated home defence fleet was not predicated on a desire to
recreate the massive RAF interceptor force of the 1950's. It did,
however, rest on four basic assumptions: (a) that the peacetime
interceptor mission of providing "unambiguous
confirmation" of radar data was becoming more important in
an age of cruise missiles; (b) that two dedicated squadrons
seemed a rather modest force for a country the size of Canada;
(c) that additional CF-18's could be multi-tasked to perform such
missions as sea denial (i.e., with Harpoon) and reconnaissance;
and (d) that using additional Canada- (and Iceland-?) based
CF-18's to help extend land-based air cover out over the North
Atlantic could conceivably be of more use to NATO than two more
fighter squadrons in southern Germany. Another irony of the
continued tasking of both CF-18 squadrons in the flyover role was
that it would mean sending Canadian fighter reinforcements to
Europe at the very time -- during a crisis -- when the United
States would be seeking to deploy USAF fighter reinforcements in

The NDP Position Paper
On 30 July, the New Democratic Party unveiled its conception
of a viable Canadian defence policy. Entitled Canadian
Sovereignty, Security and Defence: A New Democratic Response to
the White Paper, it reaffirmed the long-standing NDP desire to
withdraw Canada from NORAD and NATO but, ironically, it outlined
a force structure which could conceivably be very useful in a
NORAD or NATO context. Thus, although it would repatriate the
Canadian contingents in Germany, it offered an impressive
shopping list. For the navy, it would provide up to 18 patrol
frigates, up to 12 conventionally-powered submarines, an unstated
number of mine counter-measures and coastal patrol vessels, and
an under-ice surveillance system in the Arctic. For the air
force, the NDP position paper envisaged the acquisition of a New
Shipboard Aircraft, additional airlift capacity, an expanded
fleet of patrol aircraft and 'Canadian-controlled' AWACS
aircraft. At the close of 1987, there were indications that the
New Democratic Party was reassessing -- although not necessarily
changing -- its position on withdrawal from NORAD and NATO. If it
does modify its stance on this issue -- and if it retains the
shopping list outlined in its position paper -- the New
Democratic Party's defence policy would be eminently more
marketable to mainstream Canadian public opinion.

Life Beyond the White Paper
Although Perrin Beatty's white paper and the issues it raised
almost completely dominated the defence agenda during 1987, there
were a host of lesser -- but still significant -- developments.
For Canada's air force, the year was marked by the handover of
the first CC-142 Dash 8 by de Havilland Canada, by the award of
the CF-5 update contract to Bristol Aerospace (although it was no
doubt a bittersweet experience to the latter), by the selection
-- in principle -- of the EH Industries EH 101 for the crucial
New Shipborne Aircraft (NSA) requirement, and by a
well-publicized CF-18 engine problem (i.e., uncontained engine
compressor failures with a potential for engine or engine
compartment fires). The difficulty resulted in a temporary
suspension of CF-18 deliveries in early November. CF-18
deliveries were resumed on 17 November following discussions
between the Canadian government, McDonnell Douglas and General
Electric, and the identification of an acceptable modification
package. In other equipment developments during 1987, Innotech
Aviation was awarded a contract for the modification of three
Canadair CE-144 Challengers to an interim electronic warfare
standard, and Kelowna Flight Group Limited was awarded a
$10.9-million contract for the CC-109 Cosmopolitan avionics
For Canada's air force, 1987 also saw the activation of two
more CF-18 squadrons (No. 441 at Cold Lake and No. 433 at
Bagotville), the awarding of the operations and maintenance
contract for the North Warning System (to Frontec Logistics
Corporation of Edmonton), the activation of the North Warning
System's first AN/FPS-117 long-range radars, the closure of the
bulk of the remaining CADIN-Pinetree Line radar stations in the
interior of Canada, and the selection of the five CF-18 Forward
Operating Locations (i.e., Inuvik, Yellowknife, Rankin Inlet,
Iqualuit [Frobisher Bay] and Kuujjuag [Fort Chimo]). Not
co-incidentally, Canadian and American fighter squadrons also did
land office business intercepting an inordinate number of Soviet
Bear aircraft.
For the navy, 1987 saw the handover to MIL Davie of HMCS
Algonquin, the first of the four DDH-280 Tribal-class destroyers
to undergo conversion to the ambitious TRUMP (Tribal-class Update
and Modernization Project) configuration. Although the destroyers
modified under TRUMP would retain a secondary ASW
(anti-submarine) capability, their primary role would become
anti-air warfare (AAW). Also noteworthy were the official
'placing in dock' ceremony (i.e., the modular equivalent of
'laying the keel') for the first of the City-class patrol
frigates (HMCS Halifax) and, of course, the decision to award the
contract for all six of the follow-on batch (HMC Ships Montreal,
Fredericton, Winnipeg, Charlottetown, St. John's and Ottawa) to
Saint John Shipbuilding Limited. In organizational terms, 1987
brought the commissioning of two more Naval Reserve units in
Quebec (HMCS Radisson in Trois Riviere and HMCS D'Iberville in
Rimouski), the formal activation of the new Maritime Coastal
Defence Organization in Halifax (although it was an organization
with something less than an abundance of physical assets) and,
most important, the first substantial augmentation of Canada's
Pacific fleet in almost two decades. The upgrading of the Pacific
fleet -- which unlike its east coast counterpart did not have any
helicopters or air-capable frigates or destroyers -- reflected
the decision to transfer HMCS Huron, a Tribal-class destroyer, to
Esquimalt in return for the transfer to Halifax of the Improved
Restigouche-class frigate HMCS Gatineau. Also transferred to the
west coast were four Sea King helicopters from HS 443 Squadron.
The Sea Kings would operate from HMCS Huron and from HMCS
Provider, the Pacific fleet's veteran operational support ship.
A year of less obvious change for Canada's land forces, 1987
was marked by the award of a $19.2-million contract to Invar
Manufacturing to produce TOW turrets (for the M113) under license
from Thune-Eureka of Norway, and by on-going negotiations with
France for the co-production of the advanced Eryx anti-armor
weapon. Both moves promised to fill major gaps in Canada's
anti-armor inventory. In organizational moves, the Royal Canadian
Dragoons -- the armored regiment attached to 4CMBG in Germany --
returned to Canada for the first time in 17 years. Taking its
place in Germany -- and its Leopard C1 main battle tanks -- were
the 8th Canadian Hussars from CFB Petawawa. Also announced was
the decision to increase the size of the Canadian contingent
serving with the United Nations peacekeeping force in Cyprus.
Reservists, the 60 additional soldiers would help to compensate
for the withdrawal of the Swedish contingent. The increase would
bring the number of Canadian military personnel on active
peacekeeping duty -- in Cyprus and elsewhere in the Middle East
-- to almost 1,000.

The Year Ahead 1988
The new year should bring a host of announcements as Canadian
defence planners grapple with the initial implementation of
Perrin Beatty's white paper (and with more than a few carry-over
programs from the pre-white paper period). Although target dates
could well change, the army programs that will attract the most
attention during 1988 are the Heavy Logistics Vehicle (which may
see contract award by March), TCCCS (the RFP for the first phase
of which should appear by early-to-mid year), the main battle
tank replacement (with the possibility of project definition
approval by May or June), the Close Air Defence Weapon System
(with an RFP possible in the spring or summer), the light armored
vehicle/light armored utility vehicle (with an RFP likely before
the end of 1988). For the army, 1988 should also bring the first
LLAD deliveries, and more detailed information on the new
Divisional structure in Germany (i.e., the location of the
proposed fourth manoeuvre unit for 4CMBG).
For the navy, the pivotal development -- now that work is
underway or committed on CFP, SRP II and TRUMP -- will centre on
the selection of the 'country of origin' for the SSN program.
This decision should appear relatively early in 1988. It is
hoped, as well, that there will be solid news regarding
mine-countermeasures vessels and new naval auxiliary vessels. On
a nostalgic note, 1988 will also see the honourable retirement --
as personnel are released for training on the City-class -- of
several of Canada's veteran steam-driven frigates. That these
vessels lasted until 1988 is high praise for the people who
designed them over the past three decades. It also speaks volumes
about the lack of continuity in Canadian naval procurement, but
that is another story...
For the air force, 1988 will bring continued progress on the
NSA program, delivery of the last of the 138 original CF-18's,
closure of the final CADIN-Pinetree Line radar stations,
activation of additional AN/FPS-117 sites, activation of the
eighth and final CF-18 squadron (No. 416 at Cold Lake), removal
of the CF-5 from the NATO flyover role, and further refinement of
the plans for the operation and staffing of the CF-18 Forward
Operating Locations. Also expected to appear is the RFP for the
Canadian Forces Light Helicopter (CFLH). One hopes, as well, that
there will be solid developments with regard to the four proposed
KC-130's, to the proposed expansions of the strategic airlift and
long-range patrol fleets, and to the long-term modernization of
the search and rescue fleet. At the present time, SAR
modernization seems likely to involve variants of the EH 101 and
the C-130, although there are proponents of a mixed C-130/Dash-8
fixed-wing fleet. Also worthy of close attention will be the
Tracker update program. The latter promises to generate some very
interesting questions. How extensive, for example, should the
update be? Should any further privatization of the Tracker's
fisheries surveillance duties -- which seem to enjoy very high
levels of public support -- be sanctioned?
With all of these issues and developments -- and a federal
election looming in the background -- 1988 should be a very
interesting year.
The Wednesday Report --History
1988 Year In Review
It was a paradoxical year. On the one hand, 1988 brought major
developments in the fields of defence procurement (i.e. the
ordering of 1,122 heavy logistic vehicles, approval-in-principle
for the acquisition of approximately 820 northern terrain
vehicles, the launching of the first of twelve City-class patrol
frigates, and the approval of project definition for the Tactical
Command, Control and Communications System [TCCCS] and the
Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel [MCDV] project), defence
organization (i.e. the activation -- or, more accurately, the
reactivation -- of 1 Canadian Division and 1 Canadian Air
Division) and defence operations (i.e. substantial Canadian
involvement in a new round of United Nations peacekeeping and the
first deployment of a CF-18 'rapid reinforcement' squadron to the
Federal Republic of Germany). Also outlined during the year were
a series of initiatives, including a much-needed Northern
Training Centre, designed to enhance Canadian sovereignty and
security in the Arctic. Further attention also was directed to
the long-neglected subject of defence industrial preparedness.
In a similar vein, 1988 witnessed what may well be a one-year
record for reorganizations, realignments, takeovers and plant
openings within the Canadian defence industry. Particularly
noteworthy were the acquisition of Leigh Instruments by
British-based Plessey, the acquisition of Singer's Link
Simulation and Training Systems Division by CAE Industries of
Toronto and the acquisition of Cincinnati Electronics by Canadian
Marconi Company. In terms of exports, it was clearly the 'Year of
the Airbus', with major subcontracts for the A330/A340 family
being logged by Dowty Canada and, in particular, the Canadair
division of Bombardier. On other fronts, 1988 saw the first
flight of an MBB BO 105 helicopter powered by Pratt and Whitney
Canada's promising PW200 turboshaft, the first flights of both
the civil and military Turbo-Tracker (by Conair and IMP,
respectively), the delivery of the 100th helicopter (a 206L
LongRanger III) produced by Bell Helicopter Textron at its
Mirabel plant, the roll-out of the first production ADATS fire
unit by Oerlikon Aerospace of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec,
and the delivery of the 844th and final de Havilland DHC-6 Twin
The international military-strategic and political
environments were in a state of flux as well, with considerable
progress on implementing the INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear
Forces) agreement of 1987, a new round of East-West 'summitry'
and the announcement of unilateral defence cutbacks by Soviet
President Mikhail Gorbachev. Such developments -- and progress on
resolving a number of long-standing regional conflicts, usually
with the assistance of United Nations peacekeepers -- did not
mean, as some overly-optimistic observers suggested, that
"peace was breaking out all over", but it did mean the
continuation of the gradual warming trend in East-West relations
and the apparent emergence of a somewhat more benign
international environment.
At the same time, however, one could not escape the conclusion
that 1988 was also somewhat anticlimactic -- partly because
defence policy failed to emerge as an important (or even truly
visible) issue in the federal election campaign and partly
because the promised final decision on the 'country-of-origin'
for Canada's nuclear-propelled submarine (SSN) fleet was not
In the weeks and months leading up to the November 21
election, it was widely assumed and confidently predicted -- by
observers both within and outside government -- that defence
policy would play an electoral role not seen since the BOMARC and
nuclear weapons-scarred elections of the early 1960s. Such was
not the case. In the 1988 election, the Free Trade debate drowned
out virtually every other issue, with the result that defence --
and many other important issues -- were relegated to mere
footnote status. Indeed, defence was for the most part less
visible than during the 1984 election campaign -- which, from a
defence viewpoint, was dominated by multi-party pledges of
support for CFB Chatham, New Brunswick, and by Liberal and
Progressive Conservative feuding over the cost of reintroducing
distinctive uniforms for the army, navy and air force. In
retrospect the dominance of the Free Trade issue was neither
surprising or inappropriate but, with major differences between
the three federal parties on defence policy, the country was not
well-served by the absence of a meaningful debate on defence
The low visibility of defence, which
at times left the impression that the Liberals, the New Democrats
and the Progressive Conservatives had signed some sort of
non-aggression pact on the subject, also may have been influenced
by the presence of potentially inflammable, and in some cases
inconsistent, elements in their defence planks. As an earlier
edition of The Wednesday Report noted, it was consequently
difficult for the parties to publicize the potentially marketable
or attractive aspects of their defence policies without risking
powerful political (and other) counterattacks on the more
vulnerable aspects of those policies. The New Democrats, for
example, could have played up the sovereignty-enhancing features
of their defence policy but, given that most Canadians still
support membership in NATO, would have been extremely vulnerable
to Liberal and Progressive Conservative sniping. The NDP's
attempt to soften its long-standing pledge to withdraw from NATO
-- by saying that it would not do so until a second term -- could
have been played up too, but such a tactic probably wouldn't have
produced many converts and, by drawing attention to the change,
would have risked renewed internal strife within the party.
The Progressive Conservatives could justifiably have taken
credit for producing the first white paper in almost a generation
(itself an interesting comment on the Canadian public's interest
in defence matters) and for so explicitly acknowledging the
commitment-capability gap, but systematically 'playing up'
defence would have invited fierce Liberal, NDP and peace movement
attacks on the SSN programme. The Liberals, too, were vulnerable
on defence. Although their anti-SSN position was eminently
marketable in some quarters, the party was vulnerable to charges
that a pro-NATO, anti-cruise missile testing stance was
inconsistent (and the subject of internal disagreements), and to
accusations that its naval policy (i.e. how it would rebuild the
navy in the absence of SSNs) was decidedly murky.
By far the greatest let-down for the Canadian defence
establishment and the Canadian defence industry, however, was the
absence of a cabinet decision on the 'country-of-origin' for the
SSN programme. As readers of The Wednesday Report are well aware,
the decision is now the better part of a year behind schedule and
unlikely to be rendered before the end of February at the
earliest. The reasons for the slippage are complex and vary
depending on the source, but are variously ascribed to political
'cold feet' (indeed, some peace groups are now claiming that
"adverse" public opinion on the proposed acquisition
has administered the coup de grace to the entire project),
cabinet dissension over the cost, continuing American
intransigence over certain technology transfer issues (which have
made life very interesting for the British), the Mulroney
government's need to grapple with more pressing matters (most
notably the Free Trade Agreement) and last, but certainly not
least, the complexities inherent in evaluating weapon systems and
technologies with which Canada has virtually no prior experience.
If a final decision between the British and French contenders
can be reached by the close of February, the damage done in terms
of delaying naval modernization, delaying the industrial start-up
and tarnishing Canada's international credibility will still be
manageable. Significant delays beyond that point would be
decidedly risky, however, and would call into question the
centrepiece of the 1987 white paper, the Mulroney government's
commitment to a genuine three-ocean navy and the credibility of
Canadian pronouncements on defence procurement. More to the
point, what would replace CASAP-SSN if it were to be cancelled?
How soon would alternative naval and naval air procurement
strategies be put into place? At this juncture virtually all
indicators suggest that the Mulroney government will move forward
with the SSN programme, but it should be noted that Canada is
fast-approaching the point where a decision to pursue alternate
naval modernization strategies would be preferable to continued
delays in reaching a decision on SSNs. Irrespective of whether
one favours SSNs or some other approach, time is of the essence.
It is clear, as well, that a decision
to pursue the SSN option will have to be accompanied by a renewed
effort to blunt some serious -- and continuing -- public
misconceptions about CASAP-SSN. These include the mistaken belief
that the raison d'etre of the SSN fleet will be the checking of
passports, largely American passports, at the entrance to the
Northwest Passage. The three-ocean rationale for SSNs and their
relevance to Canada's traditional naval missions need to be
restated. Also required is a reminder that the navy gave up SRP
III (Ship Replacement Programme Phase III), CASAP (in its
conventionally-powered form) and part of the NSA (New Shipborne
Aircraft) programme to help pay for the SSNs. The government also
needs to deal in a forthright manner with the cost and arms
control reservations, some of them quite legitimate, which have
been expressed in certain quarters. If the SSN debate enters a
second phase next month, let us hope that it rises above the sort
of misleading hyperbole spouted by some of the organizations
affiliated with the Canadian Peace Pledge Campaign. Debate is
healthy, indeed essential, in a democracy, but newspaper ads that
suggest that "Canada's finger is on a nuclear trigger"
and warn that a Canadian SSN "could start a nuclear
holocaust" if it "were to accidentally or purposefully
attack a Soviet...submarine" are not helpful.
Undoubtedly more satisfying for the Mulroney government were a
number of SSN endorsements from the defence-academic community
(which was, and in some respects still is, uncertain about SSNs)
and the general media. Underscoring the latter were a number of
pro-SSN editorials from the Globe and Mail, which noted that
nuclear propulsion allowed "subs to be subs."
Underscoring the former was the testimony of Professor Rod Byers
before the House of Commons Standing Committee on National
Defence (SCOND). Now a Senior Fellow at York University's Centre
for International and Strategic Studies -- and arguably Canada's
foremost non-governmental strategic analyst -- Byers told the
Committee that if one took account of both military-strategic and
Arctic sovereignty considerations "within the context of
Canada's maritime strategy, with the primary purpose of sea
control, sea denial, and the requirements of the 21st century,
then the rationale for SSNs...becomes quite compelling. SSNs
would substantially increase Canada's capabilities to operate
independently within a task force concept. Diesel-electric
submarines would not be as effective for this type of role. In
fact, I might even suggest that if we are going part of the way
down this route of really having a maritime strategy for Canada
then I wonder -- and I have grave doubts -- whether or not the
acquisition of diesel-electric submarines would serve that
function at all. You are probably in a situation where the
diesel-electric capability would have to be exclusively placed
within a NATO context and probably would not be able to relate to
the requirements of independent task force structures and
capabilities." Byers concluded with the observation that
"if we have a Canadian maritime strategy, if it is explicit,
and if independent naval assets are deemed important for the 21st
century, then SSNs would be an important force structure

Life Beyond Elections and SSNs
There was, of course, life beyond the federal election and the
SSN issue during 1988. For Canada's navy, 1988 saw the handover
to MIL-Davie of HMCS Iroquois, the second of two Tribal-class
destroyers to undergo conversion from a primary anti-submarine
warfare (ASW) role to a primary anti-air warfare (AAW) role. With
the first of the TRUMP conversions, HMCS Algonquin, still in
dockyard hands (but expected to re-enter service in 1989) and
HMCS Huron now stationed on the west coast (having been
transferred to Esquimalt, B.C., in return for the transfer to
Halifax of the Improved Restigouche-class frigate HMCS Gatineau
in 1987), the handover to MIL-Davie of HMCS Iroquois temporarily
reduced the Atlantic fleet to only one Tribal-class destroyer,
HMCS Athabaskan. The decision as to the shipyard for TRUMP
(Tribal-class Update and Modernization Project) conversions three
(Athabaskan) and four (Huron) is expected to be announced in
April of this year. The TRUMP conversions also look set to
receive the Block III variant of the Standard 2 (MR.)
surface-to-air missile instead of the originally specified Block
II version.
Also noteworthy were the launching of HMCS Halifax (the first
of the long-awaited City-class patrol frigates) and the keel
laying ceremonies (or the modular equivalent thereof) for the
second and third City-class patrol frigates (Vancouver and Ville
de Quebec). The first two events took place at the New Brunswick
shipyard of Saint John Shipbuilding; the third at the Lauzon,
Quebec, yard of MIL-Davie Inc. It was also an unprecedented year
for Canada's small, but increasingly resurgent, Naval Reserve.
Announced during 1988 were the acquisition of two ex-civilian
offshore supply vessels (for conversion into MCM (Mine
Countermeasure) auxiliaries), the launching of project definition
studies for a fleet of twelve Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels
(for minesweeping, minehunting and, to a lesser degree, coastal
surveillance), and the creation -- over the next three years --
of new Naval Reserve divisions at Sept-Iles, Quebec, London,
Ontario and Charlottetown, P.E.I. Other naval developments of
note included the initiation of crew training for the City-class
patrol frigates, the phasing out of the St. Laurent-class frigate
HMCS Assiniboine (the first of the old steamers to be displaced
by the City-class), and the 20th anniversary of the Standing
Naval Force Atlantic, NATO's multinational frigate and destroyer
squadron. A Canadian frigate or destroyer -- and in some
instances a replenishment vessel -- has served with the squadron
since its inception.
For Canada's air force, 1988 saw the activation of the eighth
and final CF-18 squadron (the NATO-assigned No. 416 at CFB Cold
Lake, Alberta), the disbanding of the last frontline CF-5
squadron, No. 434 at CFB Chatham, New Brunswick (although No. 419
Tactical Fighter (Training) Squadron will continue to operate a
large fleet of CF-5 fighter-trainers at CFB Cold Lake), the
completion of the original order for 138 CF-18s and the
completion of Phase I of the North Warning System (i.e. the
installation of eleven General Electric AN/FPS-117 long-range
radars). On the organizational front, the year saw the
reactivation of 1 Canadian Air Division at CFB Lahr in the
Federal Republic of Germany. Originally disbanded on July 1, 1970
(and reduced to Air Group status with three squadrons of
CF-104s), the reincarnated Air Division includes three CF-18
squadrons permanently stationed in Europe (Nos. 409, 421 and 439)
and two 'rapid reinforcement' squadrons normally stationed in
Canada (Nos. 433 and 416).
Other developments during the year included the selection of
Sanders Canada Inc. for Phase I of the Electronic Support and
Training (EST) programme (which includes modifying three Canadair
CE-144A Challengers to an interim electronic warfare training
configuration), the awarding, to EH Industries (Canada) Inc., of
the definition contract for the New Shipborne Aircraft-configured
EH 101, and the selection of EDO Canada Limited to supply 959
external fuel tanks (480-gallon) for the CF-18. Also noteworthy
were the first flight of a military Turbo-Tracker (a CP-121 on
loan to IMP, although there was still no formal DND commitment to
the type), the awarding of a $3.8 million contract to Northwest
Industries to make two CC-130H Hercules (ex-Abu Dhabi) compatible
with the rest of Canada's Hercules fleet, and the awarding of a
$6.5 million contract to Innotech Aviation for a Depot Level
Inspection and Repair (DLIR) programme on the Canadair CC-109
Cosmopolitan. With the DLIR and other improvements (Kelowna
Flight Systems was last year awarded a $10.9 million contract to
conduct a CC-109 avionics update), the veteran Cosmopolitan could
remain in service beyond the turn of the century.
A rather busier year for the army than
1987, last year saw the reactivation of 1 Canadian Division (with
its peacetime Headquarters located in modest facilities at CFB
Kingston, Ontario, and a small forward Headquarters at CFB Lahr,
Federal Republic of Germany), the return to Winnipeg from Europe
of the 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
(which was replaced in CFB Baden-Soellingen by the 3rd Battalion,
the Royal Canadian Regiment), and the announcement that the first
Militia Training and Support Centre would be established at
Meaford, Ontario. Budgeted at $60 million, the Centre -- the
first of several envisaged under the Total Force Concept -- was
scheduled for completion by 1992. It will initially offer support
services and accommodation for up to 500 Militia members. By
about 1995, the Centre will have the equipment and facilities to
train a full battle group of 1,000 soldiers.
Activity on the peacekeeping front -- overwhelmingly but not
exclusively an army affair -- saw the dispatch of reservists to
join the long-established Canadian contingent in Cyprus, the
provision of a small observer contingent to serve with the United
Nations Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan and Pakistan
(UNGOMAP) and the dispatch of a much larger, 525-man, contingent
to serve with the United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer
Group (UNIIMOG). The Canadian contingent was primarily composed
of signalers, all of whom were repatriated to Canada by the end
of 1988. Fifteen Canadian observers, however, are still serving
with UNIIMOG. Completing the remarkable renaissance of United
Nations peacekeeping was the creation, in December, of the United
Nations Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM). Comprised of 70
military observers and 20 civilian support personnel, UNAVEM is
charged with overseeing the withdrawal of 50,000 Cuban troops
from Angola. Its claim to fame from a Canadian perspective,
however, is the fact that it is the first UN peacekeeping force
or observer mission which does not include Canadians. The lack of
Canadian representation does not reflect any waning of Canadian
support for peacekeeping, but rather a UN desire to broaden the
base of peacekeeping by adding new nations to the roster. This
process has been made easier by the resurgence in the popularity
of peacekeeping (not to mention a Nobel Peace Prize) and the
concomitant willingness of more nations to get involved. Canada
is, however, still expected to provide a 300-man logistics
element for the long-mooted United Nations Transition Assistance
Group (UNTAG) in Namibia.
Also announced, in mid-summer, was the decision to make the
Canadian battalion group currently assigned to the Allied Command
Europe Mobile Force (Land) available for the proposed NATO
Composite Force. The multinational Composite Force is designed to
replace the Canadian Air-Sea Transportable (CAST) Brigade Group
previously earmarked for the defence of north Norway. Under the
new arrangement -- which caused no end of confusion for the
general media -- the battalion group would deploy only to
northern Norway, either as part of the Allied Command Europe
Mobile Force (Land) or, should the AMF(L) be assigned elsewhere,
as part of the new NATO Composite Force in company with units
from the Federal Republic of Germany, the United States and, of
course, Norway.
It was also an exceptionally busy year on the procurement
front. Dominating the agenda were the Heavy Logistic Vehicle
Wheeled (which saw the awarding of a $250 million contract to
UTDC Inc. of Kingston, Ontario, for the production of 1,122
Steyr-Daimler-Puch-designed heavy trucks), the Tactical Command,
Control and Communications System (which received approval for
project definition in September) and the northern terrain vehicle
project (which received approval-in-principle for the production,
in Calgary, of approximately 820 Bv 206s by Canadian Foremost
Limited and Hagglunds Vehicle AB of Sweden. Also noteworthy were
the selection of Spar Aerospace to produce 233 Night Observation
Devices Long-Range (NODLR), the roll-out of the first production
ADATS fire unit, the delivery of the first Oerlikon GDF-005 35mm
anti-aircraft guns to the air defence regiment in Germany, the
awarding -- to MIL-Vickers -- of a contract to upgrade almost 200
M113A1 armoured personnel carriers, and the awarding, to
Thomson-CSF Systems Canada, of a contract valued at over $700,000
for the advanced development of a minefield breaching system

Opinions, Opinions
It was also a busy year for assessments, critiques and
criticisms of Canadian defence policy, procurement and
organization. Published during 1988, for example, were two
reports by the House of Commons Standing Committee on National
Defence. The first, dealing with the reserves, was published in
July and offered the Mulroney government 16 key recommendations.
The report stressed the need for "a more credible
conventional defence in Europe and at home" and "a
considerable increase" in Canada's military manpower while,
at the same time, "keeping defence costs under
control." The Committee chairman, Patrick Crofton (PC,
Esquimalt-Saanich), saw the reserves as "a crucial pillar in
Canada's security structure," and noted that "in an era
of soaring defence costs, the resuscitation of the reserves will
provide Canadians with more effective security for the dollars
they spend on defence." In a subsequent response, defence
minister Perrin Beatty expressed support for the general thrust
of the report, but cautioned that fiscal constraints made it
difficult to implement the complete set of recommendations. The
Standing Committee also published a report on CASAP-SSN, but it
was essentially an overview of the pros and cons and was devoid
of specific recommendations. A report on Canada's land forces by
the Special Committee of the Senate on National Defence was
originally expected to appear in the Fall of 1988, but is now
likely to appear early in 1989.
Also offering assessments of varying aspects of Canadian
defence procurement and/or defence policy were the Auditor
General (who, among other things, found a significant surplus of
training ammunition), the Jane's Information Group (which
produced a NATO handbook suggesting that Canada "has long
had a reputation as being less than fully committed to a strong
defensive capability"), and NATO's Defence Planning
Committee (which noted that Canada has been doing reasonably well
in terms of real growth increases in defence expenditure, but
stressed that the country had started from a low baseline).
Weighing in late in the year with their own examination of
burden-sharing within the North Atlantic Alliance were the U.S.
Departments of Defense and State. Their report offered a number
of trenchant criticisms of Canada's military posture, including
the relatively limited manpower in both the regular and reserve

The State of the Industry 1988
Dominating the Canadian defence industrial scene during 1988
were an impressive number of plant openings and/or expansions, an
equally impressive number of corporate reorganizations and
realignments, and some noteworthy acquisitions -- both of foreign
firms by Canadian companies, and of Canadian companies by foreign
firms. Among the companies opening or projecting new or expanded
facilities were Oerlikon Aerospace (which expected to double the
size of its still-new Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu facility by
mid-1989), Bendix Avelex Inc. (which moved its Aero-Marine
Division to new facilities at Vancouver International Airport),
Bombardier (which began the relocation of Canadair's military
aircraft division to Mirabel, Quebec) and Litton Systems Canada
Limited (which opened a new Halifax-area plant for its Atlantic
Division on August 16). Also making news were Menasco Aerospace
(which opened a 40,000-square foot addition to its Oakville,
Ontario, facility), Leigh Instruments (which broke ground for a
new 63,700-square foot corporate headquarters and engineering
facility in Kanata, Ontario), Thomson-CSF Systems Canada (which
opened a new 20,000-square foot facility in Nepean, Ontario) and
Field Aviation Company Limited (which opened a 2,000-square foot
aircraft parts depot in Halifax).
Corporate reorganizations and realignments during 1988
involved Marine Industries Limited (which modified the
work-sharing arrangements for the three Quebec-built City-class
patrol frigates and announced the disposal of several
subsidiaries), Hughes Aircraft Company (which in January opened a
new marketing office in Ottawa), Rockwell International (which
announced the formation of a new Ship Systems Division within
Rockwell International of Canada Limited), Devtek Corporation
(which created the Devtek Systems Division and the Devtek
Precision Components Division to better serve the aerospace,
defence and electronics markets) and MacDonald Dettwiler (which
established a new space and defence business group). Also making
changes were Ernst Leitz Canada (which was assigned to Wild's
Special Products Division and also opened an office in
California) and Lockheed Corporation (which announced that a new
Canadian subsidiary, Lockheed Canada Inc., would be created by
combining the current operations of Sanders Canada Inc. and the
existing Lockheed Canada Inc.).
In the realm of acquisitions and takeovers, the major players
were CAE Industries Limited of Toronto (which invested $665
million in the acquisition of Singer's Link Domestic Simulation
and Training Systems Division, thereby creating a genuine
simulator 'superpower'), Canadian Marconi Company (which acquired
Cincinnati Electronics for $39 million [U.S.]), and Leigh
Instruments (which was acquired by Plessey Company plc of the
United Kingdom). Among the smaller acquisitions was the purchase
of Miller Communications Systems Limited of Kanata, Ontario, by
Ottawa-based Calian Technology Limited.

The Year Ahead - 1989
The new year should, at least in theory, bring a flurry of
procurement announcements as Canadian defence planning moves into
a more mature post-white paper period. High on the agenda for
hoped-for action include the main battle tank, light armoured
vehicle and close air defence weapon system projects. For the air
force, it is hoped that 1989 will bring some positive action on
tanker and heavy transport aircraft, the medium-range patrol
aircraft (MRPA), additional long-range patrol aircraft (LRPA),
and on the proposed family of training aircraft. The latter
appears likely to be spearheaded by the acquisition of
approximately twelve turboprop-powered multi-engine trainers. For
the navy, the pivotal question will of course centre on an SSN
On other fronts, 1989 should bring further refinement of the
army's new Divisional structure, additional peacekeeping
commitments, a clearer picture of Canada's requirements for new
search and rescue aircraft, and varying degrees of action on a
host of smaller procurement programmes. It also appears likely to
be the 'Year of the Environment', with any procurement or
deployment programme with environmental 'overtones' almost
guaranteed to produce public, media or political controversy.
Falling into this category, frequently as a result of
misinformation, are the Goose Bay training facility (even if it
is not selected as the site of NATO's proposed Tactical Fighter
Weapons Training Centre), CASAP-SSN and the five Forward
Operating Locations (FOL) for CF-18 and other interceptor
aircraft. The FOL programme is already the source of confusion,
since reports by the general media have left the public with the
image of five massive, Cold Lake-style military airbases, replete
with all manner of support and training facilities and hordes (!)
of permanently-deployed CF-18s. Only in Canada...
The Wednesday
Report - History
1994 Defence Policy White Paper
More so than any other previous defence white paper, one
aspect of the Liberal government's defence policy paper is
consistent with the times: it has a more recent date on it.
Reluctantly one has to admit that this alleged oracle for the
next 15 years does reflect the present-day government's main
concern. After a year of consulting with (seemingly) each and
every one of some 28 million Canadians -- and their dogs, cats
and cows -- it wallows, as ever, in the miserable concept of the
"D" word. D-E-B-T.
"The new policy respects the government's commitment to
reducing deficit," said Minister of National Defence David
Collenette, last Friday. As a blueprint for the future the new
defence policy paper cuts the capital defence budget by some $15
billion over the next 15 years.
Air Command will take it on the chin to the tune of some 25
percent in reductions. The number of operational fighter aircraft
will be reduced, annual flying hours will be cut back, and
personnel will be reduced. The CF-5 fleet, with an estimated life
expectancy to 2000 after an extensive refit, will be retired. The
Canadair-built fighter-trainer entered the Canadian inventory in
"To enable us to meet defence requirements in the
post-Cold War era, the Department Of National Defence and the
Canadian Forces will fundamentally change the way they do
business in the coming years," said Collenette. That is made
bluntly obvious by the white paper's planned job cuts.
Adding to high unemployment levels, and continuing the trend
of the past four decades, the strength of the Canadian Forces
Regular Force will be further reduced from the current level of
74,900 to 60,000 over the next five years. The CF's primary
Reserve Force will be reduced to 23,000 from 29,400, meanwhile
civilian staff cuts will also be extensive, in the vicinity of
12,500. The Department of National Defence's personnel cuts will
eventually total 33,800.
NDHQ will experience some significant cutbacks and reductions
through the remaining 1990s, as will others of DND's various
support operations. Collenette says the government hopes that the
savings will be better spent on combat forces.
Mobile Command, the "army", will get a booster shot
in the arm; three thousand extra troops will theoretically make
the army more capable and more flexible to meet the growing
demand for ground forces in Canada's bid for Global Security as
part of its various collective security alliances.
"Peacekeeping" is the byword. The army will also get
new armoured vehicles to match its blue helmets.
New armoured personnel carriers are on the government's
shopping list although that has happened before without result.
The white paper recommends that new APCs be in service by 1997.
Canada's commitment to NATO remains at a constant although its
participation will be reduced as a reflection of the CF's reduced
"We will have a military in step with the 21st century,
protecting Canadians and upholding our values and vital security
interests, domestically and internationally," said
Collenette last Friday.
For Maritime Command, our navy, slightly used Upholder-class
submarines have become a key target on Collenette's shopping
list. What's this? The Liberals are now going to buy submarines?
Well, they always said we needed diesel-electrics, not nukes.
John Major and Malcom Rifkind have been contemplating selling
off as many as half a dozen of the British-designed SSKs. The
Chretien government likes the idea. Canada's waterlogged
Oberon-class submarines should have been paid out some time ago,
perhaps because they are prone to leak badly. But the white paper
says the government will only explore the possibility. Well, you
don't have to be a modern-day Christopher Columbus to know that
the Pinta, Nina and Santa Maria are no longer up to the task. We
have debated the old Oberons' replacement with suggestions of
everything from Rubis to Trafalgars, hybrids to Walrus's, and
gosh knows what else since the early 1980s. We are now
considering the "possibility"? We trust the Chretien
government will consult with Washington to make certain the
Jesuits approve the concept, before consulting with Canadians.
Why not make it an election issue? Or just buy the damn things.
After dumping overboard a billion dollars or more from DND's
helicopter budget and after killing one year ago a Major Crown
Project and a Crown contract to buy replacement helicopters for
the CH-124A and the CH-113, the Liberal government has announced
that it has discovered an urgent need to buy replacements for the
Sea King and Labrador fleets. How do you feel?
It should at least please Maritime Command to know that
aircraft to replace the Sikorsky-built CH-124A Shipborne
helicopters -- at a cost yet unknown -- are to be in service by
2000. That timing also applies to replacements for the Boeing
Vertol-built CH-113/113A search and rescue helicopters.
Both aircraft types up for replacement were introduced into
service in 1963. The CH-113 Labrador and 113A are derivatives of
the Boeing Vertol BV107/UH-46. The CH-113A was originally an
olive drab army machine named the Voyageur, but was subsequently
converted to search and rescue operation. The name was dropped.
The intended successor to these venerable relics along with the
CH-124A was to have been a Canadianized version of the EH
Industries EH-101, a modern three-engined maritime machine
considerably larger than the Sea King.
Don't entirely rule out an inexpensive Bell helicopter
solution to the present replacement problem. The Liberal's have
said they will do the job for much less cost than the Tories'
EH-101 project. And the Grits are more than $1 billion in the
hole at the starting gate.
Don't let these tales of ambitious(?) capital equipment
programmes blow your mind. An average
one-billion-dollars-per-year will be cut from DND's already
haggard procurement budget. Statutory costs to run the department
will also drop as force size is reduced over the next few years.
In all, this butchery done on National Defence at the end of
1994 is the best piece of axe work since the Tory budget of April
1989. The Canadian Forces is becoming The Incredible Shrinking
Whipping Boy as the Canadian national debt grows and grows and
grows. The 1994 white paper is kind of a sad statement of
reality. At a time when Canada is deep in debt, it has lost
interest in national security. The new policy is not unexpected.
Wednesday Report
History of The Wednesday Report --
Writers and Staff 1987-1999
- Amato-Gaucci, Tanya (Staff
- Blais, Hon. Jean-Jacques (Ottawa)
- Brox, Wanda (Staff Writer)
- Crandall, Lisa (Production
- Ditter, Al (Editor)
- Grant, Dale (Staff Writer)
- Harris, Frederick J.(Staff
- Henderson, Jim (Staff Writer)
- Kane, William (Washington D.C.)
- Karem, Moshe (Jerusalem, Israel)
- Knapp, Bill (Editor)
- Kwiecinski, Julie (Staff Writer)
- MacDonald, Col. Brian
- Martin, Mike (Ottawa)
- McManus, McManus (Halifax)
- Munn, Monica (Staff Writer)
- O'Brien, Micheal J.
Editor-In-Chief / Publisher
- Reed, John (London, England)
- Shadwick, Martin (Editor)