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Weapons of Mass Destruction

Threat Scenario, Detection, Super Diseases, BZ Gas, Anthrax, Ebola, Glanders, Hantavirus, Pneumonic Plague, Small Pox, Typhoid, VX Gas, Tabun-Sarin-Soman


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Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection of the blood caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria. The infection is spread directly from person to person as well as by contaminated food or water. Typhoid fever also has infected, chronic "carriers" who may not show any symptoms, but can pass the germs in their feces and urine for many years. Animals do not spread this disease.

Symptoms show up 1 to 3 weeks after exposure and include fever, headache, red  spots on the trunk of the body, slow heart rate, and constipation (or, less commonly, diarrhoea). Intestinal haemorrhage may also occur with significant bleeding occurring during the third week of the infection. This most often causes fatal complications of this disease.

Secondary  spread of the infection can be prevented by keeping infected persons from food handling or having direct contact with young children or other potential victims who are not yet ill. Thorough washing of hands with soap and water after using the toilet is essential for everyone whether they show signs of this disease or not. Washing before preparing food and drinks, and before eating are also essential.

Typhoid fever can be prevented with typhoid vaccine. Suitable antibiotics can reduce the death rate to less than 2 percent; lack of a treatment raises the death rate to 30 percent. Obviously developing a new strain of this disease might be key in employing it as a weapon. Victims can remain potential carriers of this disease for up to 3 months after recovery.

Threat Scenario, Detection, Super Diseases BZ Gas, Anthrax, Ebola, Glanders, Hantavirus, Pneumonic Plague, Small Pox, Typhoid, VX Gas