Why aren't our CF-18s loaded with 500 pounders and 2.75-inch CRV-7 rockets and blasting Iraqi military targets in Kuwait? In fact there should be thirty or more additional CF-18s in the Gulf region, and all under General Schwarzkopf's command. If there is any real chance of avoiding massive losses in human lives in a protracted or even a short-duration ground war in Kuwait, it lies in the extensive use of air-deliverable munitions directly to the enemy's military assets. The psychological and strategic benefits have been proven. We are the next-door neighbour of the U.S. and call ourselves its best friend. It has now gotten itself into a big fight, partly on our behalf. We seem to be asking for our share of the spoils we call it a peacekeeping role but just how much are we doing to assist our "best friend" and neighbour? Certainly not enough at this point, and not as much as we are able to do. George Bush and the American people have shown nothing of the jingoistic nature portrayed by our state-owned television network. We have no excuse in the rationale of the CBC. Just who the hell is governing this country? The pollsters? The media? Or the politicrats managing Mulroney? The U.S. President is weighing the cost in lives of his countrymen against the cost of more bombs, more air raids, and more time. Good. His decision was an historic one. A correct one that hopefully will take the enemy by surprise. While "talking heads" postulate a myriad of land-war scenarios from within the sterilized environment of the TV news room, George Bush has walked America and its coalition partners to the brink of hell. Standing on the precipice, there is a certain reticence to enter. Certainly that restraint is tantamount to real wisdom. Bush will wait the massive "Liberation" land attack on Iraqi troops occupying Kuwait. Canada should now get behind Bush and the American people who long to see all of their 520,000 sons and daughters returning home safe after the war. And why shouldn't they? It's all too easy to sit back and let American lives stand on the line for what our prime minister has declared to be a "just war". What do we think constitutes a just war? One that someone else fights? |
Comment: JOINING THE FIGHT Is participation in the Gulf War not a black and white issue? Just where does Canada stand? In the last few weeks we have heard enough talk from `officials' about Canada's so-called "defensive" role in the Gulf War to make one dizzy. Why the waffling and weaseling? Either we're in or we're out! If we are in, we should fight or pay the consequences later. If we are out then let's get out and likewise accept the consequences later. It can certainly be argued that Canada is a protectorate of the United States and thus we have not the need nor the inclination to properly arm ourselves as a nation, hence we seek the gray areas of any conflict. We are self-proclaimed "peacekeepers". Poppycock. The peace was broken by a flagrant act of war on August 2, 1990 and everyday since by Saddam Hussein. Weren't the peacekeepers on the block the kids who were too wimpish to stand and fight their own ground yet were always willing to walk tall behind `the big guys' enjoying all the privileges that perceived power brought to them? Meanwhile there was always the spunky little runt who would put up his dukes alongside the `big guys' any time push came to shove. In the Gulf War, America is the `big guy' with 520,000-plus serving men and women in-theatre laying their lives on the line for what most of the civilized world believes is a justifiable war. Britain in a relative sense is a spunky little nation with its 35,000 commitment. Are we the wimps? That certainly doesn't seem to be the genesis of the blood running through this Canadian's veins and it certainly isn't what the history books say. |
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It's time the Prime Minister and his PMO cronies ended their dimwitted political games, unglued their faces from the CBC boob-tube ("What are they saying about me now?"), sent their pollsters packing and summoned the remaining political and personal gumption they (or perhaps we Canadians) might have remaining and throw some weight behind "the just war" effort. Perhaps moreover, a general or two must be reminded that history is replete with crybaby brass that moaned about not having enough money, enough manpower or enough equipment to do their job. In a refreshing contrast, a certain Vice-Admiral recently earned his accolades in those same history books with a solemn "CAN-DO!". Why is it that historically, when there was a tough job to do, Canada's navy men have been the only ones with the `balls' to do it? No one will forget the only true sign of Canadian spirit that surfaced in the ten days dockside as three Canadian vessels were transformed into warships and dispatched to the Persian Gulf as the now superseded "Operation Friction". In the aftermath of the Gulf War there will be no tolerance for excuses such as "it's too expensive", "too difficult" or "popular opinion wouldn't support it". As the American people pray for the safe return of their people fighting in the Gulf War, they also pray that an effective and extensive aerial bombardment will either bring Saddam to his knees, serve as a bargaining chip for Iraq's surrender, or soften his military might sufficiently to minimize overall casualties. Certainly Canada can and should back those sentiments with an all-out effort a fighting effort. Micheal John O'Brien EQUIPPING HMCS HURON AND Restigouche FOR THE GULF Work officially began on the retrograding of HMCS Huron last week as the Canadian navy destroyer gets ready for duty in the Persian Gulf. On a media tour of the Halifax dockyards last Wednesday, Captain (N) Roger Chaisson, commander of Ship Repair Unit Atlantic (SRUA) said his crews have orders to get the destroyer battle ready "as soon as possible". But SRUA is not likely to break any records as it gets the subhunter reconfigured for surface duty which involves guarding naval supply lines for allied forces getting ready to battle Iraq inside occupied Kuwait. Huron's sister ship, DDH-280 class HMCS Athabaskan, along with another destroyer and supply ship were readied by SRUA last August in just ten days. This time Chaisson and his people have until April. From previous experience, Chaisson says that SRUA has "learned more elegant refinements" to upgrading Canadian warships. "It's more systematic than the last time when we were literally working from the back of a cigarette pack," he said. Less stainless steel will be necessary for weapons mounts this time due to subsequent design studies. On the first run the navy felt that it was better to go with the extra reinforcement, especially when affixing heavy hitters to the deck like the 20mm Vulcan gun which fires 3,000 rounds per minute as part of the Phalanx close-in weapon system (CIWS). Along with the newly improved weapons, Huron will receive new communications and navigation equipment including SATCOM, the military satellite communications uplink; INMARSAT, Satcom's civilian variant; and HYPERFIX, a coastline-reading navigation computer radar. About 350 workers and technicians, roughly one-third of SRUA's workforce are involved in the makeover which is expected to consume 30,000 man hours. Meanwhile on the west coast, HMCS Restigouche is getting the same going over at Ship Repair Unit Pacific, SRUA's sister establishment at CFB Esquimalt. East coast expertise and plans were flown out to British Columbia last week to assist in the work-up. Chaisson says that the final costs have not been tallied. The only possible problem that he anticipates is having to jockey with others for war demands on equipment and supplies. Navy spokesmen however, reassure that they see no logistical problems. HMCS Huron and Restigouche are expected to relieve HMCS Athabaskan and Terra Nova this May. The latter have |
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been on duty in the Persian Gulf since last September. UPDATE: CANADIAN FORCES FLYING TRAINING PROJECT The Canadian Forces Flying Training Project to upgrade the aircraft and the process by which CF pilots are trained will progress at a quick pace despite a delay in the release of the Request For Proposal (RFP). DND was to have issued an RFP last November (see The Wednesday Report, October 24, 1990, page 9, "Canadair Proposal For CF Flying Training Requirements"), but according to Colonel Bill Kalbfleisch, Study Team Leader, Flying Training Study, a change in the statement of work has resulted in a delay for RFP distribution of approximately three months. The training site for the project was originally intended to be competitive, but the statement of work was altered to accommodate site specific direction to CFB Portage La Prairie, Manitoba. "The RFP is with DSS (Department of Supply and Services) at the moment and should be released shortly," said Colonel Kalbfleisch. Approximately sixty companies some of which have already made teaming arrangements will be issued copies of the RFP. As soon as all responses have been received, contract negotiations will begin. One Canadian prime contractor is expected to be chosen sometime mid-year so that aircraft can be supplied and certified in time to meet 1992 training commencement dates. Each submitted proposal must address all four project modules primary flying training (PFT), basic helicopter training (BHT), multi-engine training (MET) and continuation flying training (CFT) by including team members and their responsibilities. PFT will replace existing primary flying training on Musketeer aircraft with a fully contracted turnkey effort. The winning contractor will provide replacement aircraft, ground training, flying training, air traffic control, and accommodation and food services. The PFT course will be adapted to the contractor's new aircraft and will be instructed in both english and french. Under the second module of the project, the chosen contractor will conduct BHT on the existing fleet of CH-139 Jet Rangers leased from DND. The contractor will be required to register the helicopters and assume maintenance support of the fleet. For the MET module, the contractor will supply a light twin-engined turboprop pressurized aircraft along with full support arrangements associated with the aircraft. Canadian Forces flying instructors will be provided by DND for basic helicopter and multi-engine training. CFT will be coordinated by the contractor through flying clubs at locations where students are undergoing university, military college or second language training. The value of the contract will be determined after all proposals have been reviewed. QUESTIONS REMAIN AFTER CANADIAN NAVY DIVERS' DEATHS Two Canadian navy divers from HMCS Margaree drowned Friday off the Madeira Islands, Portugese territories about 250 kilometers off the coast of North Africa. Master Seaman William Hynes, 31, of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia and Sub-Lieutenant Corey Wells, 27, of Halifax were trapped inside a seawater intake pipe used to cool the engines of USS Pharris, a Knox (Mod) class guided-missile cruiser. Margaree and Pharris were at the Madeira capital's port at Funchal at the time of the accident. Naval spokesmen are saying little about the incident and an investigation is under way. Questions are being raised as to how the two divers came to be sucked into the vent. The two ships were on station with the NATO Standing Naval Force Atlantic (STANAVFLORANT) at the time. Margaree is due back in Halifax later next month. ZENON WATER PURIFICATION UNITS GO TO GULF-BASED CF Zenon Water Systems Inc. of Burlington, Ontario recently delivered additional Reverse Osmosis (RO) water purification units to DND for use during the Gulf War. These units will provide potable water to 1 CFH, Canada's field hospital which will soon arrive in Al Jubayl, Saudi Arabia. Through the use of advanced double pass RO systems technology developed in Canada, the units produce clean water to NATO quality standards from a wide range of raw water sources. The units are specifically designed to remove Nuclear, Chemical and Biological (NBC) contaminants. Similar |
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units are already deployed with Canada's CF-18s based in Qatar and Zenon shipboard RO desalination units are being used on Canadian ships in the Persian Gulf. ISRAEL'S ASSESSMENT OF THE GULF WAR Is Israel urging the U.S. to launch a ground offensive against Iraq as quickly as possible? That is the question being asked in Israel this week. On the one hand, the Israeli government seems properly sensitive to the diplomatic dangers of appearing to push the U.S. into what could be a very costly ground offensive. Consequently, the Israeli military is not offering any formal assessments of U.S. progress in the Gulf War, and Israeli leaders have said nothing publicly on the topic. But on the other hand, officials in Israel are concerned that if the U.S. delays the start of the ground attack, the alliance it has built will wither for political reasons, or pressure will build for a negotiated settlement. From the Israeli perspective, destruction of Iraq's military is of foremost importance. As the Arab world begins to recoil at the extent of destruction in Iraq wrought by alliance bombing raids, the political timetable for a ground attack becomes very sensitive and complicated. It is certainly true that the U.S. military has been withholding information about its assessment of real damage done to Iraqi forces by allied bombing. In part, this is because the Pentagon does not want to encourage expectations that a ground offensive is possible or advisable in the coming days. The U.S. also wants to observe the real degree of damage so as to avoid the resentment in Arab public opinion that this destruction is increasingly causing. And, U.S. intelligence itself seems unclear as to the correct assessment of Iraqi staying power. Despite the dangers of appearing to push the U.S., Israeli sources have been quietly leaking positive assessments of the allied air campaign, indicating that the defeat of Iraq's army will be easier than many in the West believe. The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) have also boldly offered operational suggestions to U.S. commanders as to how to proceed with a ground offensive. These messages were carried to Washington last week by the IDF Chief-of-Staff designate, General Ehud Barak and this week by Defence Minister Moshe Arens. ISRAELIS SAY MAGIC BOMB DAMAGE NUMBER IS 40 PERCENT The allies need to destroy about 35-40 percent of Iraqi armour and artillery in order to avoid a ground offensive, the Israelis think. In order to avoid major casualties in a ground offensive, they must come close to that. To date, the Israelis say that about 15-20 percent of Iraqi armour and artillery has been rendered inoperative. This is considerably higher than U.S. officials have been willing to admit. More importantly, Israeli officials estimate 40,000 of an estimated 300,000 tons of Iraqi ammunition stocks have been destroyed in allied air raids. The raids have forced Iraqi commanders to disperse the remaining stocks of ammunition from central storage sites, making them more difficult to attack, but also making these stocks less accessible to the forward Iraqi units. IDF sources also say that Iraq has lost about 600 of its 4,000 or so tanks in Kuwait and southern Iraq. One of the eight Republican Guard divisions appears to have been badly damaged more than one-half of its tanks and armoured vehicles are destroyed. DEALING WITH RETALIATION AND SCUD MISSILE LAUNCHERS As for Israeli military action against Iraq, it is not in the offing for the near future. Because Arab backing in Egypt, Syria, Morocco, etcetera for the allied coalition is sharply deteriorating, Israel knows that it must keep out now. The Israeli Army Chief-of-Staff Dan Shomron told a newspaper in Israel this past weekend that Israel will continue to stay out of the war so that the campaign to destroy Saddam's military can continue without political complication. Only 7-10 days ago, Israeli action to take out Scud missile launchers in western Iraq appeared insouciant. But, after a series of top-level U.S./Israeli military consultations the allies changed tactics and began to seek and destroy Iraqi launchers Israeli style, effectively reducing the Scud launch rate to an "acceptable" minimum. Many observers believe that there are now allied ground troops on a behind-the-lines reconnaissance mission in western Iraq. These scouts are |
calling down accurate, real-time air attacks on Scud facilities and launchers, according to some Israeli observers. THE GROUND OFFENSIVE ISRAEL'S STRATEGY Simply put, the IDF's suggestion is to open a second front against Saddam Hussein, far away from the current battle area one that will cause Saddam significant political as well as military difficulties. If the coalition forces seized part of Iraq by driving into the country north and west of Kuwait, Iraqi forces would have to move to meet the new threat, exposing themselves to allied air strikes. More importantly, such an allied bridgehead occupation of Iraqi territory could become a rallying point for dissident military and political factions inside Iraq. This threat is particularly credible because the country is an uneasy mosaic of rival religious and ethnic groups, including a majority of Shiite Muslims with ties to Iran and a restive minority of non-Arab Kurds seeking autonomy or independence. All have revolted unsuccessfully in the past against Saddam. Saddam would then have to anticipate pressure from his army to capitulate before the regime was overthrown, or perhaps the country carved up permanently. The other obvious advantages of this strategy are that U.S. forces do not have to head-on confront the mines and oil-burning trenches that Iraq has laid along the Kuwait front; it lessens the vulnerability of U.S. troops to the chemical weapons Saddam has moved to the Kuwait front; and it utilizes allied speed and night maneuverability. But, physically and psychologically destabilizing Iraq as the Israelis suggest has one clear hazard: triggering Iraq's collapse and possible fragmentation could fuel separatist tensions and complicate efforts to construct a more stable post-war order in the region. A Kurdish drive for statehood, in particular, would embroil Turkey and Iran because Kurds are active separatists in those countries too. In the final analysis, if the war can be ended with fewer casualties by avoiding a direct assault on Kuwait, Washington may go for it and risk management of political side effects. FIRST OF THE "NUKE THE GOOK" FACTION GOES PUBLIC The expression [which we have used before] comes from the time of the Viet Nam War when numerous American politicians argued in favour of using nuclear weapons to end that conflict. "Nuke the Gook faction" is how that group was described then. The theory advanced was not so much a jingoistic scream for blood, but more of a cry against the spilling of American blood. The pro-nuclear group used an argument that was not unlike the rationale used by the U.S. when it bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima to end World War II and spare the continued loss of American lives. Republican Congressman Dan Burton told U.S. reporters on Monday that if conventional allied bombs fail to dislodge the dug-in forces of Saddam Hussein, low-yield tactical nuclear weapons should be used as a last resort before sending in American ground forces. "For us to send our troops into battle," he said, "without using weapons that will save thousands of young American lives is criminal, in my opinion." While Burton's is so far a lone public voice, The Wednesday Report's sources in Washington suggest that the use of tactical nuclear devices is part of worst-case scenarios drawn up within the Pentagon. In the event that Saddam's use of biological, chemical, radiation or even nuclear weapons gets out of hand (see The Wednesday Report, February 6, page 6, "The Nuclear, Biological & Chemical War"), there would be no hesitation to go nuclear. U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle and Defence Secretary Dick Cheney among others have made that perfectly clear in rhetoric clearly intended for Saddam's consumption. What escapes most lay people about the nuclear threshold in the Iraq War is that the public's perception of nuclear weapons technology dates back to the 1950s and early 1960s analogous to seeing a mental image of the Wright brothers' Flyer when talking about the F-117A. In the case of some low-yield tactical fusion and fission-fusion weapons (see The Wednesday Report, Janu |
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ary 16, page 4, "Retaliation With The Neutron Bomb?"), as few as three people below the rank of 4-star general would ever live to say that the weapons had been used. POLITICIANS AND ENVOYS AREN'T AFRAID TO FLY As airlines suffer immense losses in revenues owing to a pervasive fear of terrorism in the skies, politicians and envoys are winging their way around the globe in hopes of resolving the Gulf War either absolutely or in a particular fashion. Mikhail Gorbachev's favourite Mideast envoy Yevgeny Primakov was in Baghdad yesterday for talks with President Saddam Hussein. Primakov carried a message from Gorbachev to Saddam Hussein via Teheran, Iran. A former head of the Institute of Near East Studies, Primakov is a member of the presidential council and worked for nearly 10 years as a correspondent in Cairo for the Communist Party newspaper Pravda. He has been the key Soviet envoy to Iraq making two trips as recently as last October. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Kurtcebe Alptemocin left for Damascus on Monday at the start of a trip designed to reassure key Arab states about Turkey's Gulf policy. After two days in Syria, Alptemocin will go to Egypt and Saudi Arabia. According to Turkish officials, Alptemocin wants to convince the Arabs that Turkey has no territorial designs on Iraq and seeks a constructive role in line with President Turgut Ozal's vision of wider regional economic cooperation as the key to security after the Gulf War. He visited Teheran last week and the officials said he was likely to go to Washington later this month. France's new Defence Minister Pierre Joxe was enroute to Washington yesterday to meet with U.S. Secretary of Defence Dick Cheney for talks likely to concentrate on France's eventual role in a ground assault on Kuwait. An extra 670 troops from a French marine infantry regiment began embarking on ships at the port of Toulon, France for Saudi Arabia Monday to bolster the 10,000 or so French troops already there. About 7,000 French troops including two foreign legion regiments are expected to take part in the initial ground assault with some American units. British Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd met Egyptian, Saudi and Syrian leaders during a weekend tour of the Middle East. On Monday, Hurd was in Rome for talks with Italian Foreign Minister Gianni de Michelis. Hurd apparently briefed de Michelis on the Gulf War. At a press conference later in the day, Hurd told media representatives that he thinks "the anxiety expressed by the Soviet Union is misguided and I notice that it has not changed the substance of Soviet policy and I am glad of that." The Soviet Union has openly criticized coalition bombing of Iraq. Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Arens was in Washington at the start of this week to tell the United States his country could contribute significantly to the war against Iraq. Arens met President George Bush, Defence Secretary Dick Cheney and Secretary of State James Baker. And the PLO has proven that anyone is free to fly almost anywhere, whether they are welcome or not. A delegation from the Palestine Liberation Organization led by Jemail Surany, secretary of the PLO Executive Council, arrived uninvited and unexpectedly on Monday in Belgrade, Yugoslavia on the eve of a meeting by Non-Aligned Movement ministers seeking a "small glimmer of hope" they can find a formula to end the Persian Gulf War. The PLO is aligned with Saddam Hussein who linked any settlement of the Gulf crisis to a resolution of the Palestinian problem. Delegates were expected to permit the PLO representatives to join discussions. WAR CAUSES ARMX '91 POSTPONEMENT Canada's fifth biennial defence and aerospace equipment exhibition, ARMX '91, will be held at the West Carleton Airport near Ottawa from September 25-26. The exhibition was originally scheduled to take place May 21-23, but has been postponed "to ensure a full turnout by uniformed personnel and procurement staff from the Department of National Defence," say show organizers. Senior military and government officials who were expected to attend ARMX in May will be preoccupied with war related matters for some time yet. The theme of ARMX '91 is "Training for Peace Defence Technology of the Future". Semi |
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nars based on this theme will be presented by senior Canadian military officials and industry representatives in addition to the display of over 460 exhibits from 17 nations. For further information on ARMX '91 contact Wolfgang Schmidt at (416) 968-7252 or William Penfold in Ottawa at (613) 234-6292. SCORE ONE FOR UGLINESS: U.S. WARTHOG BAGS A MiG-29 An unconfirmed report from Washington sources yields one of the more capricious bits of news to come back from the Gulf with Dick Cheney and Colin Powell. Those persons who have previously attacked the less than sexy Fairchild A-10A Thunderbolt II as being defenseless in a close combat zone against air attackers should sit up and pay heed to the mighty "Warthog". This anecdote may not trounce the spirit of U.S.A.F. naysayers who swear the A-10A is "no eagle" and that the fleet of 800-plus aircraft should be given entirely to the real denizens of the ground, the "Grunts", but it does command them to take note. A 400-knot Thunderbolt, dubbed the "Warthog" by virtue of sheer ugliness, was on a routine ground attack mission near the Iraq-Kuwait border against Iraqi Republican Guard artillery when its pilot got both the surprise and opportunity of his life. It was a MiG-29 Fulcrum in Iraqi livery. Whether the enemy aircraft was setting forth on a mission, fleeing to Iran, or clearing out ahead of the A-10 is anybody's guess, regardless, he rotated airborne and before his landing gear was fully retracted, the rat was in the A-10's sights. As the Fulcrum leveled at a very low altitude, seven mighty 30mm gun barrels in the A-10A's nose made Swiss cheese of the MiG. MORE BAFFLING NEWS ABOUT IRAQI PLANES IN IRAN It is probable that the Fulcrum which was allegedly `smoked' by the A-10A was piloted by one of the apparently inexperienced pilots assigned to fly Iraq's top-line aircraft to Iran. Sloppy landings, crashes, poor airmanship and unwillingness to engage when allied interceptors attack them has caused Washington's analysts to assume that less experienced pilots are flying the ferry missions. (See February 6, page 8, "Iran, The Planes, Missing Generals And Soviet Reports".) At the start of this week, U.S. officials pegged the count of Iraqi war planes flown to Iran as 147, but Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati claimed the same day in a television interview that only 22 Iraqi aircraft had landed in Iran. "What we have said, that is the correct number. Some of them have tried to cross our borders but they crashed... The number of the planes that landed in our country is 22 as I have said." The foreign minister also said that Iran would not remain neutral if Israel entered the war against Iraq. "If any Moslem country is attacked by Israel we cannot remain indifferent," he said. (See September 19, 1990, page 3, "Iraq's Strength May Be On The Upswing".) The Iranian foreign minister's remarks have added more confusion and greater concern for already befuddled observers and analysts who continue to collectively scratch their heads over the mysterious exodus of billions of dollars worth of Iraq's highest technology air fleet. Is this part of the infamous treachery and deceit of the Middle East, or just typical Saddam Hussein unorthodoxy? APACHE ATTACK HELICOPTER EARNS RESPECT IN MIDDLE EAST The U.S. Army AH-64 Apache combat helicopter, built by McDonnell Douglas Helicopter in Mesa, Arizona, performed at mission capable rates higher than 80 percent 5 percent above the Army standard during Operation Desert Shield. After observing the Desert Shield operation for one week, a congressional delegation which included members of the House Armed Services Committee reported that Apaches in Saudi Arabia were performing at higher mission capable rates than any other helicopter in the theatre. This success can be partly attributed to the GE T700-701C turbofan engines which power the Apache. The engines' integral particle separators and steel compressors help prevent engine damage caused by sand, dust and foreign objects common to the harsh desert environment of the Middle East. Due to operational security, McDonnell Douglas officials say they are currently unable to comment on any of the Apache's activities during Operation Desert Storm. |
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SPANISH FRIGATE MALIGNED UNINTENTIONALLY In the January 30 issue of The Wednesday Report (page 4, "Argentina And Spain Contribute Ships To U.N. Coalition), the Spanish frigate Extremadura was described as "infamous". That word should have read "famous". We apologize for our error in typography. Coalition Highlights BELGIUM CONTRIBUTES DIVERSE RANGE OF ASSISTANCE Belgium has contributed a mix of ships, aircraft, guns, medical personnel, hospital beds and Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) protective equipment to assist the U.N. multinational forces in their battle to restore freedom to the people of Kuwait. Within the framework of the Western European Union (WEU), Belgium decided to send one frigate, three minesweepers and one supply ship to the waters of the Middle East, says a spokesman from the Belgian Embassy in Ottawa. The frigate is stationed in the Strait of Babelmandeb where it participates in the execution of the economic embargo against Iraq. Two of the three minesweepers, along with the Belgian supply ship are currently in the southern part of the Persian Gulf. The third minesweeper is carrying out its mine-detecting duties in the Mediterranean Sea. Logistic support in the form of four transport aircraft has been placed at the disposal of WEU partners for transport operations. The four Belgian C-130 Hercules aircraft have already completed two missions for France and two series of nine and five missions for the United Kingdom. In anticipation of a land force liberation invasion of Kuwait, an additional C-130 aircraft and one Boeing 727 from Belgium have been set aside to evacuate British and French wounded soldiers from Saudi Arabia. Further commitments to Britain include 2,800 field beds and one mobile pipeline ready for transport from Belgium; and one medical team of 48 people which will be based in Cyprus if and when it is required. France has also been promised ten ambulances by Belgium which can be shipped to the Middle East at any time. Also on stand-by in Belgium are ten hospital beds located in a military hospital in Brussels and earmarked specifically for badly burned soldiers. Belgium has also provided the U.S. forces with 972 M-249 automatic machine guns as a logistic support commitment under NATO. Belgium's has also made several other contributions centred in Turkey. Eighteen of Belgium's Mirage aircraft are in Diyarbakir and Belgium has transported Patriot installations from the Netherlands to Diyarbakir in support of NATO efforts to deter Iraq from attacking Turkey. In the event of an attack on Turkey by Iraqi forces, the Belgian government would have to decide whether or not to engage its Mirages in an offensive role. Belgium has also supplied Turkey with 70 tonnes of anti-NBC material. The official spokesman said he believes that this shipment included atropine, gas masks and chemical warfare suits. THE NETHERLANDS SUPPLIES SHIPS AND MEDICAL TEAM Along with 170 air force personnel deployed from the Netherlands to the Patriot missile defence operations in Diyarbakir, Turkey, three Dutch war ships were dispatched to support U.N. naval operations in the Persian Gulf, said an official at the Royal Netherlands Embassy. Following a recent ship rotation, the frigate Philips van Almonde, designated F 823 in the Kortenaer-class, frigate Jacob van Heemskerck as well as supply ship Zuiderkruis have joined Canadian and other allied ships in enforcing U.N. trade sanctions against Iraq from the southern waters of the Persian Gulf. The total complement aboard the three vessels is 600 persons. Another 55 personnel are part of a Dutch medical team now based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. GREECE ROTATES TWO FRIGATES The Greek frigates Elli and Limnos with NATO designations F 450 and F 451 respectively, both of the Kortenaer-class have been rotating every two months since Limnos was first deployed to the Red Sea shortly after the invasion of Kuwait. The vessels are part of a U.N. naval team patrolling the northern portion of the Red Sea to enforce a naval blockade upon Iraq. Captain George |
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Ioannidis, Greece's Naval Attache for Washington and Ottawa, says he is proud of the contributions the two Greek frigates have made to the allied naval effort. When interviewed by The Wednesday Report on Monday, Captain Ioannidis explained that these vessels represent the entire fleet of Greek frigates and are the youngest ships that Greece has to offer. The frigates were both commissioned ten years ago and were built in the Netherlands. C-130 VARIANTS USED EXTENSIVELY IN GULF "SPECIAL OPERATIONS" While there has been much ballyhoo over the more sophisticated and "sexy" aircraft in the U.S. Air Force fleet, little has been said about the more mundane aircraft types used extensively in covert and "special operations". On January 31, U.S. military sources disclosed that an AC-130 Spectre was downed behind enemy lines and that its crew of 14 airmen were MIA. The Pentagon has not commented on the aircraft's mission, but the AC-130 is known to be a gunship used by Air Force Special Operations Forces for nighttime armed reconnaissance, close-air support of ground forces and rescue operations. Ten days earlier, it is possible that the same Spectre was involved when a downed U.S. Navy pilot was plucked from the Iraqi desert on January 21 in what officials called the first successful such mission over hostile territory in the war with Iraq. One of the most favoured tools for conducting psychological warfare operations is the EC-130E Volant Solo II aircraft, a Hercules equipped to emit powerful clandestine radio and television broadcasts deep inside enemy territory. Volant Solo II planes are deployed in Saudi Arabia with the 193rd Special Operations Group of the Pennsylvania Air National Guard based in Middletown, Pa. The U.S.A.F. Special Operations Forces use the Combat Talon, a highly modified C-130 Hercules, for special rescue missions. Using its Fulton Surface-to-Air Recovery System, the aircraft can extract two people from the ground or out of water while the aircraft overflies the extraction zone at an air speed of 130 knots. Those who are to be rescued don protective suits attached to a helium-filled balloon which is used to hoist an open loop at the end of a nylon braided line attached to a harness worn by the personnel. After the pick-up is made, the line is then reeled into the open cargo bay at the rear of the aircraft. The technique is similar to that used by aerial advertising tow planes which use a grapple hook to snatch banners from the ground. Reflectone of Tampa, Florida has been selected by Loral Defense Systems to build a C-130H simulator for the Aircrew Training System used by the U.S. Air Force Special Operations Forces. The contract valued at over $8 million (U.S.) calls for the delivery of the simulator to Loral's Akron, Ohio facility in the summer of 1992. The new MC-130H Combat Talon II simulator will incorporate technological advancements such as electrical control loading, synchronized digital aural cues and a fully digital communication system. MD WINS $253.9M CONTRACT FOR TOMAHAWKS, DELIVERS ACM McDonnell Douglas Missile Systems Co. will build 240 Tomahawk sea-launched cruise missiles for the U.S. Navy under a $253.9 million (U.S.) contract. This order represents 60 percent of the total number of Tomahawks included in the fiscal year 1991 purchase. McDonnell Douglas and General Dynamics compete each fiscal year for a share of the total Tomahawk missile production. McDonnell Douglas recently delivered the first operational Advanced Cruise Missile (ACM) to the U.S. Air Force following completion of the qualification phase. The ACM a follow-on to the Air Force Air-Launched Cruise Missile is designed for greater range, accuracy and survivability and incorporates advances in propulsion, guidance technology and detection design. Initial production deliveries will continue this year and competitive procurement will begin in 1992. McDonnell Douglas Missile Systems Co. produces both ACMs and Tomahawks at its Titusville, Florida facility. INTERGRAPH CAD SYSTEM MAINTAINS CPF DRAWING SHEETS Intergraph Canada Ltd. of Mississauga, Ontario has supplied a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) document management system valued at up to $600,000 to Saint John Shipbuilding Limited |
The Wednesday Report - Copyright 1991 February 13, 1991 |
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(SJSL). The system was purchased to maintain 22,000 sheets of engineering drawings developed by SJSL for the construction of twelve frigates under the Canadian Patrol Frigate programme. The drawings are scanned into a raster database and once stored, are maintained and managed by Intergraph's integrated raster/vector drafting software. The installation of the Intergraph system is part of SJSL's strategy to implement CAD/CAM in all phases of its shipbuilding operation. To date, 10,000 sheets have been converted by the system to computerized record form. AIR NOVA GOES NEW YORK, NEW YORK Air Nova, Air Canada's Halifax-based regional carrier for the Maritimes has received the green light from the National Transportation Agency (Canada) to begin regular service this spring between Halifax and New York. Although the route was officially approved last November, Air Nova through a change in governing regulations is able to upgrade to jet service. Previously the air carrier was restricted to aircraft under 60 seats, limiting it to using its 30-seat Dash 8 turboprop. Under the Regional Local Community Service (RLCS) agreement, the commuter airline could not use its 77-seat four-engine British Aerospace 146s. The RLCS agreement allows carriers in Canada and the U.S. to make transborder flights on seldom used routes with small aircraft so as not to contravene the bilateral air treaty between the two countries. But Air Nova was able to go jet without requiring a major renegotiation of the pact. Under an ancillary agreement Experimental Transborder Air Service the carrier can fly larger aircraft to underutilized airports. In this case, Air Nova will use Newark, New Jersey as its connector to the Big Apple. The move saves travellers roughly one hour air time, down from the 2.5 hours the Dash 8 would need to go one way. FIELD AVIATION SELLS FIRST SUPER KING AIR 350 IN CANADA Field Aviation Company Inc. of Mississauga, Ontario has announced the first sale in Canada of the Beech Super King Air 350. The corporate aircraft was purchased by an undisclosed eastern Canadian corporation and is scheduled for delivery in August. With a larger cabin and greater performance capabilities, the 350 is the latest evolvement in Beech's King Air series of aircraft. CANADAIR RJ DIVISION APPOINTMENT Thomas E. Appleton was recently appointed executive vice-president, the Regional Jet (RJ) Division of the Canadair Group of Bombardier Inc., effective early last week. Prior to this appointment, Appleton was vice-president, marketing and sales for Boeing Canada, de Havilland Division. In his new position, he is now responsible for the overall marketing and sales programme for the RJ. Eric McConachie, vice-president, strategic market development continues in his primary role to study the market and configuration requirements for a next generation aircraft. GE T700 ENGINE POWERS AUSTRALIAN BLACK HAWK PROGRAMMES GE Aircraft Engines has completed the Australian Black Hawk programme with the Sikorsky delivery of the last of 39 Black Hawk helicopters powered by GE T700-701A-1 turboshaft engines. Australia's helicopter fleet also includes 16 Seahawks, the last of which will be delivered to the Royal Australian Navy later this year. The Australian Seahawks are powered by GE T700-401C engines. Total value of engine contracts for the 55 helicopters including spare engines and parts is approximately $75 million (U.S.). GE GETS $650 MILLION ORDER FROM KLM ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES GE Aircraft Engines' CF6-80C2 high bypass turbofan engine has been selected by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to power 10 firm and 10 option McDonnell Douglas MD-11 trijets in an engine order valued potentially at more than $650 million (U.S.). KLM, the flag carrier of the Netherlands, will receive its first CF6-80C2-powered MD-11 in December 1993. Engine deliveries will continue through 1997 if all options are exercised. CALENDAR February 19 The Canadian Defence Preparedness Association (CDPA) will hold its February luncheon at the Royal Canadian Air Force Officers' Mess in Ottawa at noon. The Chief, Land Doc Page The Wednesday Report - Copyright 1991 |
February 13, 1991 |
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