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2003-03-20 |
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Comment:Open Letter to The Prime Minister of Canada;Canada's State of War With Iraq as per September 24, 1990 Order-in-CouncilDear Prime Minister Chretien: On three occasions since August 2, 1990, the President of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, has declared and announced his nation’s financial and moral support for violent acts that would bring harm to Canada as a whole nation state and or to Canadians among other nations’ people. Thereby Saddam Hussein’s Iraq is a self-declared enemy of Canada. I am warily concerned that the Government of Canada has given an assist to this enemy and continues to do so. I am further worried and contemplate that I may have knowledge of consequences of such assists inasmuch as the dictatorial regime that controls Iraq and which is an enemy of Canada, gains comfort and strategic value from the assist of the Government of Canada, and could and probably will in part because of delays in the issue of tasking, orders and distribution of military materiel resources caused directly or indirectly by the “assist” of the Government of Canada, be more able as a consequence to take the life or lives of persons in military uniforms, involved in the hostilities who are Canadian, American or British nationals and achieve military tactical and strategic goals for an enemy of Canada which goals otherwise would not be, or in the alternative would not as easily be, achieved. In fall, 1990, endorsed by a September 24, 1990 Order-in-Council, Canada went to war against Iraq as part of a coalition of forces setting out to thwart a global-impacting invasion of a neighbour nation by Iraq under the leadership of Saddam Hussein. This de facto declaration of war by Canada has not been rescinded but in fact continues in force owing to events that include a breach of the 1991 cease fire which stayed the military proceedings against our enemy for a time. That cease fire negotiated in 1991 has been broken repeatedly in the time since inasmuch as in 1993 the United States, France, and Britain launched several air and cruise missile strikes against Iraq in response to provocations, including an alleged Iraqi plan to assassinate former President Bush. An Iraqi troop buildup near Kuwait in 1994 led the United States to send combatant forces to Kuwait and nearby areas. Continued resistance to weapons inspection conditions of the cease fire led to a U.S. military buildup in the Persian Gulf. U.S. and British bombing raids against Iraq began again in Nov. 1998 and continued into 2003. Canada is still at war with Iraq. I am horrified that the Government of Canada has given an assist to this enemy and continues to do so. Canadian Forces members serve today, this hour, this minute, with coalition forces at war with Iraq. My countrymen are abandoned by their government, I fear, and moreover those countrymen are subject to harm by its acts. My countrymen who are serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces serving with other nations’ forces in exchange programmes that give effect to the treaties and alliances that Canada has with other nations for the purpose of protecting the citizens of Canada, are disenfranchised by statements made by the Government of Canada in the House of Commons none the least of which is the profanity directed at the United States within whose military – since 19 March involved in hostilities with an enemy of Canada -- serves Canadian Armed Forces members; and our government’s refusal to abide its alliances. While Canada is at war with Iraq, or in the alternative, while Canada is in a state of undeclared war with the state of Iraq, Canadian Forces members are involved in the conflict with Iraq and members of the Government of Canada if not all of the Government of Canada gives aid to an enemy of Canada. Sir, you know and I know that that because of the extensive intertwining of the two nations’ Forces’ components, people and materiel resources, and by the very nature of our nation’s security alliance with the United States; it is inevitable that when either Canada or the United States engages in conflict, the other, if not by declaration but in fact, is brought along and that, without an Act of Parliament and required Notice terminating the alliances that set these events in place, is concomitantly with the benefits of said alliances, bound to the alliance treaties and all that they entail in terms of mutual security. Your argument that you are taking Saddam Hussein’s side in the March 19, 2003 Iraq conflict because the acts of the United States’ government and those of Britain, Spain, Australia, Czechoslovakia, Poland et. al. are “not multilateral” is of itself an oxymoron that at any intellectual level is not worthy of extended discussion. I request that the Government of Canada not support our nations’ enemies; not imperil my countrymen serving with military forces opposing our enemy; not give comfort to the enemy of Canada; and immediately resign its authority and issue an immediate writ of election. In this regard I would argue that the Prime Minister and the Government of Canada is bound by the limitations of its electoral mandate and is subject to all the laws of Canada and compelled to obey the Statutes as well as give the appearance of doing so. I must insist that with autonomy of action and capable of forethought the Prime Minister of Canada and the Government of Canada as an entity and as a subject being(s) is bound by any and all Statutes as any other entity or person within Canada and not above prosecution for violations, particularly those that have no option but indictment. Notwithstanding that you, sir, have already made it clear to the Canadian people that you will retire your post next year and that Canadians have no electoral recourse against any act of the Prime Minister; and notwithstanding that your political party, Sir, was not elected with authority to violate any of Canada’s traditional alliances; and has no authority to violate past treaties and statutes of Canada; You are thereby acting without authority in your breach of alliances, treaties and relationships between Canada and Britain and America. Moreover, I submit that giving an assist to the enemy of Canada the state of Iraq with which Canada is in a state of undeclared war, and against which Canadians serve with the combatants engaged in hostilities is an act of High Treason as defined by the Criminal Code of Canada. Treason and other Offences against the Queen's Authority and Person High Treason: Anyone who assists an enemy at war with Canada or any armed forces against whom Canadian Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between Canada and the country whose forces they are. The Government of Canada must not support our nations’ enemies; not imperil with word or actions my countrymen serving with military forces opposing our enemy; not give comfort to the enemy of Canada; and should immediately resign its authority and issue an immediate writ of election. Micheal John O'Brien |
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